The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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VILLS aasgaaaoainB AUTO HEATERS Transfer Time Is'vJfer if AT NEW DAY $1750 SIMONDS MOTOR SUPPLY CO CT HAS Bffl SOLD a si tv Today Sunday Monday Dec 2d 30 31 THE SIGNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS SIS KI 7 LARRY SEMON Lives Spectacular Reductions will aswirv Gohlen Swn coffee 35c 3 I ba $100 Stinraofd rniin 2 pkR 5c 'One Complete System Will Serve Zanesville io Plain and fur trimmed liisvilie Bank Co IMPERIAL Itoday last day QUIMBYS I 698 895 69c to 5 The Ohio Office Supply Ca 27 29 North ifth St Bell 2431 LeRoy Hansell Mgr aw returned from a visit with relatives at Shawnee Miss Edna Robison of Columbus! is the guest of relatives here a loyd Koehler has returned to ft Nv Lexington after a visit here Let us furnish you with Art Metal Ste4 Cases for your old records Also Guide? olders and Other Iranster supplies All Children's Coats (And Gold Bond Stamps too) WEDNESDAY JAN 2 MATINEE and NIGHT Knickerbocker Produc tions (Inc) Present BIG COMEDY AZEL A OSBORNE Music Studio Violin Clarinet and Saxophone a specialty Repadding and Repairing Pianos Tuned Over Spence Music Co Bell U4H Overland As Traveling Car is urther of Its Great Versatility Here'ls pictured the Overland the most versatile cr wholesale shoe company traveling salesmen lie seats ana upno from the back of the var and the trays are almost a perfect fit for the spacidus loaded and unloaded through the door to the rear compartment (v Trunks suit cases and sample cases of all kinds can be put is tnsrrea? nearly every type of salesman I le thus has all of his samples with hlmAyS a tko nn trnine With thfl flAinVS ATin tnfiOfWi better arrangement than the touring car or the coupe through convenience anti compactness In Ing and unpacking as well as in carrying space Also there Is the closed car aomfort And for pleasure purposes it takes but a' minute to replace the rear scat aid upholstery tpal rooniv for four or five passengers rouiny vui iv 11 nAwor iha Xnn frX All Winter Dresses GREATLY REDUCED I Itthat With NANCY MARVIN (Late of it rom JIMMIE JUDGE (rom as Those who saw will Prices: Mat 50 75 $100 Night 50 75 $100 $150 Plus tax YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE DOUGLAS AIRBANKS BATURDAY" DEC CT Coming Jan Prince of a The Greatest Thrill ire Picture Ever Shown on the Screen CHAS lolesoihe GLORIA SWANSON In AZ A BIG STORE Originally 650 and $698 498 Originally 795 to 89a Originally $1000 to $1275 Originally $1275 to $1475 1095 Originally $1650 to $1975 1275 (And Gold Bond Stamps too) SEATS NOW ON SALE iiuuu uuUK iviuiittiuo Diuiuua tciiui Prices for all performances the Al ield Minstrels enlist ATER midnight tonight alii tJL telephone subscribers in Zanesville will be served hyone system The new issue of the telephone directory has been delivered figures of American minstrelsy at that time stage director of the ield show Richards was singing at theater tn Columbus at the time it being his second summer show en nt Vi iVin'jfnr TTa WO sought out by Quigley and Induced to sign up with Al ield and he has been with the ield show ever since Some of these favorites made famous through his rendition of them on tour with the ield show are the Rest of the World Go Bubbles" "When the Sands of the Desert Grow and Shall We Meet 1 Jack Richards' and the ield Minstrels come to Zanesville on Monday and Tuesday anti "will be seen and heard at the Weller thea ter Seats on Salo now ILL UP YOUR CUPBOARD THE PH ICES ARB THE LOWEST IN THE CITY THE SERVICE THE BEST 1 MAIL IN ORDERS OH MONEY ORDER ACCOMPA NIED $300 OR MORE ORDER PACKED AND SHIPPED SAME DAY RECEIVED Bent In the clty 30c lb1 25c 15c 14 Cluster ralxlns In 1 lb pkgs 25c 23c cocon 2Oc Evuporuted apricots 15c lb No California wnleotB 29c lbsM 55c Camels 12Hc $125 rarton Everyday or Danish Pride 10c 5 cans 4 sr Van pumpkin 2 cans uc Herring 1Oc can 3 cans 25c 15c Hitler's entKup 10c Grabnm erm ker or ginger naps 2 lb 25C lake while soap chips 2uc lb pkg: i New nnvy brans 3 lbs 23c i It net nftfiK seara ivww 2 cans 25c 2O 3O prunes io the pound 25c lb Silver fleece kraut 2 cans 25c NT thread 5r 55c dot breakfast cereal 2 pkgs 25c I Star soap powder 35c pkg I milk chocolate 3r 3 lbs $106 Beech nut macaroni 10c 3 pkgs rc CociHinut 20c lb Cocoa 10c 4 lbs White laundry snap 10 bars 40c Shelled pecans OOcl Almonds 30c Monarch naiad dressing 25c arm Hoose coma 25c lb can In the interest of good service be ciirp vmi have the rumt before signalling the LAST NIGHT TO SEE VAUDEVILLE Zanesville' vaudeville folks will get their last opportunity to' liear Duke Yellman and his band at the Weller theatre this evening Duke and bis boys have proved a sensa tion on the Keith bill this week and it is certain that a capacity audience will be on hand to hear them strike the last notes of their local engagement I Ward and Dooley have won their way into the hearts of Zanesvillians this week and will also come in tor a share of the glad hand on their final appearance Their act con sisting of songs dancing bicycling and impersonations has gone over big during their stay In this city 1 Joe Christy and Miss Ruth Mc Donald ip a song and piano act has been a riot with the natives i nnd a return engagement of this I popular team will also be cordially Lwelcoimcd I The remaining nets Claire O' Donnell and Eddie Black In a fifteen minute riot of laughter en titled the Village and also some excellent violin playing by the young lady Wright and Dieterly Different Sing and a playlet "Indoor have also made a hit and ar a sure to please those witnessing their last performances in the city this evening A Hodge Podge aid Christie comedy open the bill ZANE THEATER PUTNAM AVENUE a a a': in ROBIN AT POPULAR PRICES AM UirnMCQAAV i nera is a lancn in everv i nnd a thrill or tear in every five in day "Loyal Lives" a thrilling Love sweet 1 of the mail service will be the heart comedy drama success which perial attraction comes to the Weller theater for one day engagement Wednesday! Jan 2 matinee and night iv uoounas in sweet sentiment in homey honest heart appeal and1 tiie deeply spiritual theme is so ingenious in Its adroit and contrasting situations as to give the play a niche with "air and and other fast moving comddles All of which isi grossly Inadequate outline of the actldn of this consummately clever play The wittiness of the lines the more than humor of the situ I ations the eternal motherliness of Rs golden hearted Mother Hudson the refreshing winsomeness of the voung sweethearts: the breeziness of tho ex crook and chorus girl i all this must be seen not describ ed Seats sale Monday i herty encores showing that the Margie Baldorer this a recent picture was being well received and visitor it lidset Hie I thoroughly enjoyed The big Ga 'Caiinoiv transacted business!) scene where the heroine is caught at Zanesville riday in a steel vault In a burning build Mr and Mrs A llharp have re Ing and her sensational rescue isiturned from a visit to Zaneesvllle narticulnrlv rpalifttin Rm thia nip Cl Tnwnnnnd and ffimllv hnvfii Kam 1 1 cure waay your last cnance tale Ini I 5 AMUsem*nT new jctiHts viuu recvuiiy organizcu 50c 00 $00 plus ed under the ield banner It will Crooksville Under the auspices uu vi luwitsi tu uivaiwivna this club a number of parties (know that he was found hyjand dances will be planned for the "Doo' Quigley one of the famous gcason jrs m(eting was re cently held at the home of Mlsii Margaret Sherlock Of Winter street and the occasion was thor oughly enjoyed Resume New After a vacation the iCrooksville China company will rer trnrrnuis A 1 a Tirol ouiiin iuj viciatiuu iiic ii at of the year Several of the other potterlestook but one day vaca tlons On AH Our and WINTER COATS i a marvelous collection of coats of strictly the better type regardless of their respective low prices Plain and fur every coat in our entire stock in cluded Get a new coat for New day These groups will convince you of the extraordinary COATS originally $2500 to $2950 1975 COATS originally $3500 to $3900 2500 COATS priginaUy $4500 to $4900 2950 COATS to $5900 $3900 (And Gold Bond Stamps too) HOTEL AT CROOKSVILLE Crooksville Dec 29 The' McLain Hotel located on China street has been sold to Rhinehart who will assume active charge In April at the expiration of the lease by Kent Bros The property was formerly owned by Mrs Arena McLain The Kent Bros are as yet undecided as to their future business venture Council Meeting The village council will meet in adjourned session Monday night Dec 31 as the final meeting of the present "village fathers" At that time the official reins of the town will be turned over to the incom ing administration New CluB The is the title of a new club recently organized innni rniaini omubi 5 lb irtil backet honey $149 Muffed dotes and Dae 4Wc lb Seareliltabt matches 6 boxes 35c Pitted red cherries Me dill 23c Cane unr 10c 25 1 bajc $245 Monarch pure alive $100 flt Cedar oil polish SSe hottie 10c Aster whole sraln rice 10c 3 pkgs 25c Royal 43c: Calumet 2Oc Rumford 29JleNt young: hyson In city 5Oc lb: 25e 15c I Reni mocha java coffee 45c 1 Ib tin white laundry soap barn 35c Teco 1OC Aunt Jemima 15c Suemnld seeded or seedless lIlSi i Chane dt seal brand coffee 2 IbB 75 I arm Hmtse chili nance 35c hot 2oC Beechnut macaroni and spaghetti 15ei 2 pkn 2v PbUipM dlaewlable cocoa 40c tin tissue 15c roll at 2 for 10 for $100 Ivory soap 10 bars 9e All scrap 3 for 25c lKe dor Du nha Compare prices see what you SPECIAL GRAB BAG MATINEE TODAY A PltlZE WORTH ROM 10c TO $100 WITH EVERY CHILD'S TICKET VIOLA DANA in ATAL El Tg SY TODAY LAST DAY 'Pipe Organ KTL MW MAE MURRAY in ASHION MERMAID "UNCLE ALICE CALHOUN CULLEN LANDIS In The MIDNIGHT ALARM Today 2:30 Last 2 Tijnes 8:30 fi JACK RICHARDS IS SONG PRINCE IN MINSTREL SHOW was in the summer of 1908 Jack Richards famous tenor The Ohio BellTelephoneCompi kMinoun otia (WELLER 'I nr 11 hm TUT? I Hire al weiier mon a luesi iiiE LUTE iLul Il I AM WANQ1 A Ar Midnight Tonight Use New Directory Before Cai Any dumber The irst Thing To Morning Is io Directory The iery rench Love Drama With New and Greater Gloria Swanson in a Role of Real Sensations and NEWS WEEKLY ABLE JOHN GILBERT in News Briefs Mr and Mrs John White are vis tting relatives and friends at Ak ron Mrs George Ainsley and son Bobby of Columbus were recent visitors with relatives here Born to Mr and Mrs Dewey Lee a baby daughter christened Betty Mae Mr and Mrs Edgar Moore of Springfield visiting relatives here NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education of the Zanesville City School District Zanesville Ohio until 12 noon Central Standard time on the 31st day of December 1921 for the furnishing nr tht malarial find nprfarTninif the labor necessary for the alterations! additions to a high school! building on the corner ot North and Sixth streets in the Clt ot Zanes ville Ohio: same to be In accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Snyder Babbit Matli ws architect and engineers suc cessors to rank Packard Colum bus Ohio and on tile at the office ot the Clerk of the Board ot Educa tion Zanesville Ohio and the arch itect at Columbus Ohio and open to public inspection during all reas onable office hours until the time set fcr the closing of the blds Bids will be received for all labor and material necessary to fully com plete building except the mechani cal equipment Bids will be received acn 1 rd O1 fAP AlAOtriCfll WOfk plumbing sewer and gas and tor tho beating and ventilating or for any of the various branches or com bination ot Bids shall be made upon uniform blank forms to be furnished by the Clerk of the Board ot Education or the architects and must be plainly marked on the outside "Bid for Al terations and Additions to High School Building" and addressed to Weaver Clerk of the Board of Edvcation Zanesville Ohio and must be in his hands not later than the day and hour before mentioned Blds must contain the names of each and every person Interested in same or thenani6 of the President 1 and Secretary if a corporation and must be accompanied by a guaran tee of some disinterested person or persons a certified check or surety bond equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the bld conditioned that if the J8 Ksllt nHthln In accepteu tne uiuuw days after being so notified enter Into a proper contract the faithful performance of which shall be guaranteed by a satisfactory bona equal to th full amount of th con The time Bet for the full comple tion ot all work covered by the con tract is the 15th day of August 19The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all blds By order ot the Board of Educa tion of the Zanesville City School District SCHNEIDER President WEAVER Clerki2vBtsat AT Gloria Swanson is known as the fashion model in all her pictures and many are particular ly anxious toT just what new I style gowns she will wear In Za za the special Allen Dwan pro i duction showing at to i day for the last day Gloria has outdone all her previous efforts on I magnificent gowns But Gloria is I more than a fashion model in this picture The actress in Zaza re quires fits of emotion that stanips GRrla as one ot the most emotlon I al actresses of the screen To see Gloria Swanson in Zaza is to see her at her best Today matinee and night is your last chance Sun day John Gilbert in "St the greatest love drama of the screen is attraction AT THE ZANE There was a day when no self respecting horse permitted in a I certain exclusive circle would go prancing around in public dis robed That day was back in the Twelfth Century in England dur I ing the reign Of King Richard I Every charger privileged to hob nob with knights was amply pro vidcd with gorgeous raiment bear ing the emb'fm of its knightly I owner so trt it niigni no uisun guished frtMU all others The kind of trappings used in those roman tic and tnriiung limes are iu seen on the horses appearing in Douglas super produc tion airbanks in Robin a United Artists release showing to crowded houses at the Zane theater and the effect is quite bizarre to the public of this gener ation accustomed as we are to having all manner of styles of mo tor cars cross our daily vision According to present day au thorlties on the history of the Nor man period a knight's steed was never allowed to go out fo its stable without being garbed correctly and it seems logical to assume the an imals instinctively became so used to "being dressed for the' that they would be most reluctant to venttire out otherwise These equine robes were noted for their ornateness and they served no useful purposes such as protection against foes or the na tural elements It was just plain Cvery day style then among knights and the style was inspired by the convenience Afforded tor making prominent on mounts the crests by which they could always be known The aforesaid convenience is made quite noticeable in the course of the exciting action in "Douglas airbank? in Robin at the Zane Tlieater today or tomorrow i AT THE imperial Snmimre action and thrills in a photo play are to tho liking of most no Tn "Thn Mlilnicht the big fire picture show ing at the Imperial toqay tor we last day bna nll these and more At every performance this week the audience has broke out in res) i r'l pnnone service 4 JU rT' 1' 1 Utiinea lomgni KEITH SUPREME VAUDEVILLE ENGAGEMENT DUKE YELLMAN AND HIS IRENE CASTLE ORCHESTRA WARD and ETHEL JOE CHRISTY and RUTH McDONALD WRIGHT DIETRICH BLACK arid CLAIRE LYMAN HOWE HODGE Selected JUVENILE COMEDY ilv accessible T1 IjceA Also it mal tiAtror rra eiutf 11 lixixii ixic tvunnti ing and unpacking as well as in carrying space Also there is the closed car aomtortV And for pleasure purposes it takes but a minute to replace the rear seat aid upholstery tpa rooniv for four or five passengers 2 With tiie larger motor the Overland has all the power that fian used for th hills or the worst roads Where the Overland won't go no car will go See this car at the salesr The Wllking Sons Cm 1 Tl It XJ kum I Vf 1 HMk 1 rc' 5k 5 'll 5 i i 'j i ok srA i 1IIKHHEIHDRI 3r'J bHbi 1' uta Inl 1: Illi XXU IUUIX fo jSrMLDlig Kdi jf EJbV 2 Civ W1 Ai Ij Ct 4 OTt 3S JS j' '4 ten Af lflH 'WfWBBRpvlu" 1 istWPk6 bcn It IB rti 111 1" lA 1 I II Ms A iil 74 '1 Ml UIILLJC? i "7 fo Mt fo vli I XSz hww Wil ft 7 2 25r 14 I JBb I 1 1 i' llMBBi6llllh pwH are I i tiLnl i' '1 paving for groerrlr A 1 '1 e7 fo fo 1 1 i pCJBEtf0 I wfofo I a It Il I I A ttS yESB IM' 0 I WHi BB I rainnntwisoinnn niOOWmalOOM liii in US Hii rm I JEjil Rg i I HIT Qwl JA 1 ARB Is Sift gii KI 1 I tilt I I I if I i KK'V tfo I B1 S' I KWfol ux 44 Vi i.

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The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5597

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.