The Portsmouth Star from Portsmouth, Virginia (2024)

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The rortsmooth riday May 24 1 1916 By WILLIAM COLOREDNOTES shout or some 12 AUTO ACCESSORIES rHE trip to the eVr a mi 28 IN MEMORIAM A 21 WANTED TO BUY raj Late Model Pick Up Truck 24 Phone Portsmouth 4420 I Court News 1 GefYour lowers from the tf SPECIAL NOTICES tives and friends in Washington BUSINESS SERVICE Apt 20 LOST AND OUND 9 Mayfield AUTOMOBILES Who Borrows? DAILY ORTUNE INDER ahep TH CvprHghU King nturfi Syndicik tn Ta BHBlig Chl Rld Carey street street street 15 2 50 birds a low to the we waiting the10 WANTED TO BUT USED CARS COLORED VW POST AND AUXILIARY TO SELL POPPIES TOMORROW Tomorrow will be Poppy Day and Daniel Atkins Post No 1811 Veterans of oreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary will sponsor the sale of poppies on the streets of the city Over one hundred girls have been enlisted to sell the poppies and they will be busy tomorrow in the colored sections especially in the colored business sections offering the small red flowers to passers by for the benefit of disabled veterans The Mt Hermon headquarters for the sale will be at the home of Mrs Bessie 1 Harris and the general headquarters will be at the Ebenezer Baptist Church Volunters disposing of the poppies will he served lunch at on Effingham street at noon Reports will be made prior to the lunch and afterwards Lotal residents are called upon to respond to this appeal George Is commander of the colored VW post and Mrs Ida Patton is president of the auxiliary Pursuant to an order issued in the Court of Hustings for the City of Portsmouth Va on the 13th day of May 1946 lywill proceed to sell at public auction in front of the courthouse High street on May 25 1946 at 12 noon One 1 939 Buick Sedan Motor No 43767729 Va License No 223 254 One 1939 ord Sedan Motor No 18 4328856 Va License No 95 4G7 Terms cash MOTORCYCLE AND MOTOR SCOOT ER with accessories 6950 Phone WJUlISOr fclM VIRGINIA MOTORS 11th at Granby St Phone Norfolk 4693 Discharged Veterans WRINGER ROLLERS INSTALLED Lee Washer Repair Serv ice 3715 King St Phone 2415M 16 Balloon tire 316 South St 24 Specialize In Shoa Repairing While You Wait COMMUNITY SHOE REPAIRING SHOP ata Effingham Pt Phene 1S00 GEORGE ULLER Proprietor Work Gaarantootfe Joel laughed and Ellie winked at him They stood in line looking sleepily at the bay The wind was gusty and strong and the spray it carried in from the ocean changed from moment to moment now heavy and wet and now light as mist Ellie pointed to the south of the Island he said it was a night or hurrying wavy line water are Debby asked KEVILL YEAGER PORTSMOUTH LORAL CO Inc LOWERS or Every Occasion Phone 1CH 32 High 8L Night Phone B654J or 38MB KELLY SPRINGIELD Im plement tractor tires tubes In stock all popular sizes Abbott Serv ice Store High St At Airline Blvd Phone S129W D101 8 a to 10 Sunday 0 to 6 tf To Its tn your for today from the stars write in the letters' of the alphsbet corresponding to the numerals on the line of the astro logical period in which you wore born You will And it fun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 II 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 ABCDEfGHIJKLMNOPQRITUVWXYZ STURTEVANT UNERAL HOME DU COURT ST" PHONE 70L 11A TRAILERS OR SALE' NEW AND USED TRA1 AeceS aorles Ryan Trailer Co George' Washington Hgy and Gllinerton Rd Phft ne Hoile Llrpna No Our customers Include folks In all occupa factory office government and municipal pro fessional executives etc Must fie In' Good Condition Is for the the defen niatrlmnnb on the grounds of desertion and affi davit having been made that said de fendant is not a resident of the State of Virginia he Is hereby required to appear within ten days after due pub lication hereof and do what may be necessary to protect his interests It Is ordered that this order be publish ed once a week for four successive weeks in The Portsmouth Star a newa paper having a general circulation in this City Teste: KENNETH A BAIN JR Clerk By DORIS MAJOR Thomas Reldp ma1017 24 3l We buy all makes and models If you are thinking of buying a new car see us before you trade your old one Wc buy cars at the DPA low ceiling prices No de ductions made for minor repairs We pay the cash (U Dollars irtid Cents) No cheeks or title counters Is to take your time Call us for the celling price of your car at any time Park Avenue Garage Park Ave and Armstrong St Brambleton Section Aorrolk 4 a Phono ZiSUi 15 Repairing Service Stations AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ignition work and palntlny our specialties also general overhauling and body and fender work alrvllle Garage Hospnrr itq non saosw OLD GENERATOR WORK MaJ Lenox Lohr president ot (he Chicago Museum of Science and Industry throws a switch on an old Edison hi polar dynamo type generator aa the museum piece goes to work for the institution during a dimouL Jbpdynamo carrying an 1886 date stamp has been nnused for years A gasoline engine (left)furnishe GLOVER Sergeant ot'the City of Portsmouth May 5t LOST wallet at Colony The atre May 21st Reward Tdentlfleatlon Lawrence Johnston Jr en closed Phono 4757W 25 UNWANTED HAIR removed by elec trolysis from face or body perma nently without harm ree consulta tion CAROLYN WEAVER 415 North St Phone 5328R tf Har Mrs road wed May 19 to Char son of Mrs Sarah CuJJiriel street The WELLS Work guaranteed Also yard concrete mixer for rent Phone 3UO6J Jnn3 for YOUR CAR MASON HAYNES CORP DEALERS LICENCE NO Ill 920 High Street Phone Ports 2364 Wiley Birckhead Jamfes Minggle Norfolk Otis Box 344 Richard Malvern C4 CU W'xc CO LOANS 300 of Virginia will meet Sunday at 5 in 302 South Green street Visitors will be welcomed James Hall is president Broadnax and Samuel Thomas are secretaries Vets Hold Memorial Services Annual memorial services will he held Sunday morning in Mt Cal vary Baptist Church Effingham and Clifford streets by the war veterans and auxiliaries who will assemble at the church by 11 o'clock Special ceremonies will be held The sermon will be by the pas tor the Rev A Hoard Universal At Mt Elder Jenkins and congregation of the Universal Church of God will con duct services Sunday 3 in Mt Calvary Holiness Church Pearl and London streets Elder Ratcliff pastor Health Club The Practical Nurses Health Club will sponsor a program Sunday 5 to 7 in the hom*o of Mrs Lula Colley 1232 Glasgow street Musical and literary talent will appear Nurse Jessie' Wil liams will sneak The club is headed: by Mrs Effie Copeland riends to South street after visiting rela nave been invited to the event Tent Executive Board Meets He is a navy veteran of The executive board of the War I and she is a grad THE STORY Gnn wlie Debby Weeks ot Capt Cod still acts sod dresses like a tomboy at 19 Her sister Agnes warns her never Sort a ho hand nnless she chance her ways Bart Wyman and Joel Sumter who la interested in Debby come hack to the Cape In October They arrange to bo diick ahootlng with Debby and Kllle A northeaster lias Juirt come up and Agnes warns them it Will be dangerous Giddings and Jollifee Union of Tents will hold an urgent meeting on Monday evening 730 in the home of Mrs Novella agan 1113 Glasgow street Mrs Nancy Nichols is chairman Mrs Matilda Riddick is secretary Raymond Durant eted Ray mond Durant well known Ports mouth contractor was recently tendered a birthday party by his wife Mrs Hattie I Durant The gala entertainment was held in the Douglas Park Center with a num ber of friends of the honoree in at tendance from Norfolk Portsmouth and Hampton The affair was held in a colorful setting of soft lights gay decora tions and selected recorded music A buffet supper was served Mrs Mozelle Brown rendered the vocal number Love You dedr icated to the honoree by liis wife Group numbers were also sung Mr Durant as the recipient ot many gifts He responded to the honors accorded him Out of town guests included Mrs Juanita A Thomas Leon Armistead Mr and Mrs Quinn Shelton and Lon nie Green all of Hampton The Durants reside at 3016 Elm avenue Kelly Marching Club The Emma Kelly Marching Club' Daughter Elks will meet tonight in the home of Mrs Lillie Darden 2517 Pearl street it was announced by Mrs Lillie Long club reporter All members have been urged to be present Mrs Marjorie Ballard is president Airs Allene Hunter Is secretary The Todds Return Mr and Mrs iRichard Todd have returned home DRAPERIES bedspreads curtains cus tom imide All boine Items a speclal ty 1 hniie Wilma 8 lyan 6311R tf VAN BODY for sale 6225 Hol Uy '10 1 12 i 25 LOST Black chow dog male last seen in Park View Tag No 244 520 Answers to name pet It found please call 6043R lie ward 25 LOWER SHOP Successors to lowers for All Occasions 405 Middle Street Phone 4720 and 4096 Night Phone 2148 UNION UNIVERSITY PREXY BANQUET GUEST HERE TOMORROW Dr Ellison president of Virginia Union University Rich mond will he guest ot honor at a banquet to be tendered him Sat urday night 8:80 in the USO Club at 307 Chestnut street The event has been arranged by the newly organized Ports mouth Chapter of the Virginia Union University Alumni as sociation and it promises to be a memorable affair Dr Ellison delivered three ad dresses during the week while in the New York area in interest ot the University appearing Sunday at Ebenezer Baptist church Rev Shelton pas tor New Brunswick New Jersey Monday in New York city as guest speaker' at the Baptist Conference and at a joint testimonial dinner Monday evening at Abyssinian Baptist church sponsored by the Jones Jones Alumni chapter of Virginia Union University and the New York conference VIRTUE A DIED Trust dated Dccember 1 1013 re corded in the Office at Nor folk County Court HouseVirginia in Deed Book 763 at page 120' den fault having been made In the pay ment of the debt secured thereby and having been requested 6i to do' by tho holder of tho note se cured thereby tve avill sell at pub lic 'auction on the permiaca at 12 noon on Wednesday May 29 1946 the follow ing property described in'ssald deed'ot trust as fol low's: i All that Certain lot with the Im provements thereon and appurten anccs thereto In West ern Brandi Magisterial District Norfolk County Virginia known and designated as I ot No 4 in Block No Il on'tho Plat of Oregon arms No 1 avhich Is recorded Jn Plat Book 23 at page 83 In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of said County which reference is hereby made for a more par ticular description of said lot The terms of sale are cash i jno Brown and A MELTON Trustees dick 25 Effingham street Norval Edgar Marshall 33 Waverly boulevard and Esther Irene Cooper 22 211 Washington street Percy anler Young 39 200 Court street and Kathryn Irene Linman 30 934 Ann street Huddle Oscar Williams 24 1209 Green street and Vashtle Vera Locke 19 1209 Green street Winfield Harlan Danforth 21 Ta coma Wash and Raycebo Paige Marcum 21 125 Henry street Blevin Homes Bangle 23 25 Chatham road and Myrtle Lorraine Price 23 4 Swanson Parkway Oren Pronty 60 814 Stonewall street and Minnie Anthony 39 809 Richmond avenue NOTICE This is to notify the public that I will not be responsible for anr debts contracted by anyone whomsoever oth er than myself In person after this date nay zz Imo (Signed) JOSEPH ALLSBROOK iota King st Portsmouth Va NOTICE This is to notify the public' that I will not tie reaponalble tor nv debts contracted by anvone whomsoever other than myself in person after this date Mav 24 1946 (Signed) GATEWOOD Rt No 1 Box 483 26 Discharged Servicemen soar received )n fermatlon and assistance at the Velerane Infermation Center third fleer Market Balldins Middle and Columbia streets Honorable discharges have been reported to local boards by the following veterans: Portsmouth Board 1 William Charles Porter 426 Chautauqua avenue Thomas Lgrkin Eure 2008Queen street Garland Travis Babb 211 Carolina avenue Nelson Preas Brandon road Route 4 Box 51 Roanoke Thomas William Sanders 8 05 South atreetL Con stantine Ambrose McCarty Jr 108 Eighth avenue Portsmouth Board Joeceaphus aulklns Willlie Har dy 1617 Sherwood avenue Whitfield Jr 415 Nelson Willie Sutton 2300 Pearl Elmo Price 1341 High Calvin St Clair 20 Bolling road Christopher A Ames 319 Effing ham street Norfolk County Board 1 Amos Bonneville 98 Channipg avenne Robert Dane Preedy Jr Route 3 Box 12 Thomas 143 Gillis road RD 1 Box 117 Summer RD 1 EllsWorth Ixing Hill Norfolk County Board 2 Cecil Aunrey uraaeicss 764 avenue Norfolk Martin Dixon 3517 County street Charles Hon eycutt Airline boulevard Edward Midgett 1331 Raleigh avenue Norfolk Richard Ernest Jones 306 Windermere avenue Norfolk James West 111 Hugo avenue Nor folk AUTO LOANS VOU HET THE GASH IMMEDIATELY! $50 $1 S0 S2D0 or More a ainMaH LEE RODGERS Celltea 'Choir Hora Tonight The of Norfolk Division ot Virginia State college will appearf in classic recital tonight 8:30 in 1 Uie Ebenezer Baptist church Com I ng" to Portsmouth for the first time widely acclaimed college cn dremble will be presented tonight by ttha Young Mens Civic Organiza tics The choir ot 60 or more voices: la tinder the direction of Hany Savage 'and critics and music lov era) who have heard the ensemble i rate it aa one of the best to be presented liere Atl 1 mission tonight will be by ticket 5 fehrtnare To Parade Here Shnn ers will parade in Portsmouth next week in a colorful pageantry ar ranged by Arabia Temple No 12 Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine The parade will be held on May 29 be ginning at 7 at Effingham and Queen streets it was announc by Sidney Burt captain of the jMarchlng Club of the Temple i The Marching Club will feature the procession with Captain Burt WARV ET A TEACHES Sonli Mlchelkh who killed many Germans during the war when she served in the Yugoslav partisan forces ot Marshal Tito teaclies the children of her dead comrades in an orphanage at Karlovac in Croatia Most 0 the children suffered severely in the war The orphanage was outu oy me i ugosuv government 'Q At last she said be ex pecting us to spot coming from this way JCou jiavejo keep a' sharp eye he said cheerfully but she thought he sounded a little embarrassed too' And after a mo ment he asked do we let them know after spotted or thing A TER I Ebenezer Baptist Church Effingham and Columbia Sts riday May 24 8:30 Under Auspices Of TOUNG MEN'S CIVIC ORGANIZATION 85c (Tax included) COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT Judge Edward Oast Deed Recorded Lillie Turner to Robert Turner i I tfl 2 4 Blk I Plat of Subdivision No 1 of airsville 1 310 and other considerations and Lydia rederlcka Armi stead to Harry and Henreltta Sommerer Part ot Lt 4 Map of Cradock 310 and other considera tions Riverside Park Homes Inc to Plum A and Mildred Yeates Lt 22 Blk Plat of Riverside Park Homes $10 and other considera tions Edward Parker to loyd Parker Lt 12 Blk 11 Plat of the Aetna Company $10 and other con siderations Bayview Manor Homes Inc' to Mike and Margaret Constantino Lt 147 Plat of Devon Manor Sec tion 2 $10 and other considera tions rank and Rosine Delplno and Gertrude Delplno to Bertha Jacob 5808 Sewells Point road Deed of gift Irving and Annie Truitt to Rufus and Mary Thornton Lt 11 Blk Plat of Money Crest $100 and lorence and Doleman to Wilbur and Marie Tuggey 178 Gillis Toad $300 Albert and Anna Mae Simon to Howard and Parthenia Abernethy It 67 Plat of Simons dale $10 and other considerations Leicester and Virginia Chap man to James Thompson Lt Blk 78 Cradock Gardens No $300 LICENSED TO WED Robert Charles Augram 31 1207 Colonial avenue Norfolk and Bes sie Heber Wilson 26 Broad Creek 1 Village Norfolk Edward Michael Hoosack 23 510 25th street Norfolk and Mary rances Bottoms 21 Norview James Pittman 26 Hattonsville and Catherine Mullen 30 Hattons ville COURT HUSTINGS Judge Lawrence DEEDS RECORDED Edwin A and Nadene I McCrea dy to Paul and Mildred Odell Lts 11 12 13 Blk Addition to Prentiw Place $10 and other con siderations Luta and Edgar Tynes to Alice Wise Jxit situated on north side of Glasgow street and other considerations LICENSED TO WED Winston Banks 24 912 cazelo street and Catherine Hopewell loral Gardens rresh cut iowers ana Plants from our gardens VISITORS WELCOME! i Deep Creek Boulevard At Kirby Avenue Highland Park A TER i five minutes he said good around here The wet sand and the salt and this hay of whatever it said Debby And after a moment smell better after shot a few times Powder smells good along with all the She could feel him looking at her like this know I never tried it she tried to sound casual guess you like bird shooting never tried that either i shot a shotgun until this week Bart and I went out in a field near Brookline and tossed up tin cans and shot at them just so know which end of the gun to hold They stared out into the gray mist After a while Debby asked a little breathlessly did you come She glanced timorously out of the corner of her eye and lip was looking straight ahead his face expressionless curiosity I ttL how to hunt Debby decided she had better not ask any more questions and he was silent for so long that she thought he jjping to say any more And then he said about 1 She looked up quickly and Tie was looking sort of thoughtful and sort of embarrassed He said thoughtfully one' thing I was curious about a girl who likes to And she realized that she sounded disappointed (To Be Continued) Jz uate nurse Hattonzville Singers Appear The Hattonsville Gospel Singers will offer a program Sunday night 8:30 in Little Zion Baptist Church Drivers Va under the auspices of Little Zion Sunday school junior choir William Rodgers pianist director The popular Hattonsville singers are under the direction of i Robert Goodman The Rev A Bingham is pastor of the Drivers church Rev Lathan at ourth Baptist The Rev Lathan choir and congregation of St Baptist Church will appear in ourth Baptist Church tonight in connec 1 tion with the celebration of ourth 56th anniversary and the 30th anniversary ot the pastor the Rqv I Scott Sr St Luke Tabernacle Program! The Aid Club ot the St Luke Gospel Tabernacle 1632 Green street will sponsor a program Sun day afternoon at 3 it was announced by the pastor Rev Mrs Bertha Anderson A special serv ice at 7:30 will feature guitar numbers by Rev and Mrs Anderson and the appear ance of others Rev Mrs Ander son will fill her pulpit at 12 noon preceded at 10:30 by Sunday school Mrs Ada Ricks superintendent Prayer services will be held at 6 a Sunday Vets Hold Memorial Annual memorial services will be held by local war veterans and their auxiliaries Sunday morning in Mt Calvary Baptist Church Ef fingham and Clifford streets The sermon will be by the pastor the Rev A Hoard The veterans and members ot auxiliaries will assemble at the church by 11 o'clock Day at Union Holi ness Woman's Day will be ob served Sunday at Union Holiness Church Bishop Charles A Twine pastor Special services will be held at 11 a 3:30 and 7:30 under the direction of a com mittee comprising Mrs Susie Jones Mrs Lula Simmons Mrs Sadie Green Mrs Mary Winston and Mrs Mary Booze chairman Mrs Eliza Gray will speak in the morning services a program will feature the afternoon service and Mrs Catherine Allen will be the principal speaker at 7:30 A number of others will appear dur ing the three services Including musical talent The observ ance will also feature a financial effort rank Roane Acclaimed Music critics have acclaimed rank A Roane as one of the outstanding baritomfc of the day singer has a fine natural voice of unusual beauty and said raz ier Granger of tho Jullliard School of Music predict a great future for the young said Helen Tranbel opera star Mr Roane will sing in Emanuel AME Church June 3 under the auspices of the Par sonage Aid Club Miss Ethelyn Gayle president BY RUTH HICKS Rally Report at Olive Branch Reports on the $1500 financial ef fort will be made at Olive Branch Baptist Church Sunday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock The service will include a brief message by the pas tor the Rev Sharpe and a pro gram The Brotherhood will be in charge of the 11:30 a services and Sunday school "dvlH convene at 10 a Ballard super intendent Mclchizadao Lodge Calibrates Celebration of the 46th anniversary of Melchlzedee Lodge No 3 of the Order of Good Shepherds will lake place Sunday 3 in ML Ver non Baptist church Green street near Clifford The sermon will be by the naator the Rev Wal ton tv tvngnt is wortny herd Men a Day At Antioch nay services win be neia Sunday in the Christian Antioch (Cd'ma In And Bring Your Car To This 603 High Street and See Joe Small Monthly Payments rom Only $605 a Month On $75 To Only 1 393 on $200 HOURS: DAILY 9 to 5 SATURDAY 9 to 1 PHONE 5000 Portsmouth inance Go 1 Inc cW lfflHST (WAYSIDE LORAL CO 315 HIGH STREET PHONE vni TILLIE led the way down the long path to the shore of Shootflying Bay his gun in one hand and a sack of decoys over his shoulder In the dim light he looked heavy and shapeless like a bulging poorly wrapped bundle and Bart who was carrying a pair of oars and his gun and a 1 1ilra ort onrirmnil? bliUVCl Teddv Bear in his hooded parka Debby had the other pair of oars As they came out of the woods lit was surprisingly light and sherealized that daylight was com ing She could see the boats on the narrow beach and out in the bay the faint blue line of the Is land The gray expanse of water between looked calm with waver ing fingers of ripples reaching out away from them 11 Joel who was ahead of her had a sack of decoys too but instead of throwing it over his shoulder as Ellie did he carried It in his hand swinging it in the tall grassas he walked I He turned around and smiled ather look so bad out he said I in a lee she said be kick ing up plenty out by the They tipped the water out of the boats and loaded them with the decoys and guns and oars Bart lit his pipe and stood on the beach looking out across the water he said to Ellie the word? Think get drowned if we try said Ellie HAVIS 1'OUK TlltlCS CAPI'IUH with truck typ rulrtcr' On any aervtca at Abbott Auto Service Store High 8t at A I 1 1 ne' Il I vti Phone 512UVV 9101 8 in to 19 in Sunday 9 SEAT COVERS 8995 up floor mati $195 up all car sizes Smith Supes Service 1029 High St Open all night 3D DR REID Nationally known Portemouth physician and dean of colored physicians of the city who was signally honored last night by his election to the Ports mouth Democratic Executive Com mittee from Jefferson Ward Resid ing at 845 Glasgow street and ac tive for many years in church civic educational and social welfare movement he is the first colored citizen of Portmouth to become a member of the local 1 Democratic' Executive Committee Jefferson Ward has a large colored popula tion with 291 race voters qualified for th councilmanic election in Jun ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 'THE trip to the Island was short a mere matter of steer ing before the skittery wind They made their set in the lee of a point where the decoys wouldn't toss around too much Bart went to work with shovel digging two shallow trenches for them to sit in 5vith deep ones for their feet and he put Joel to work cut ting salt hay ivith his knife Debby helped Ellie set the decoys wading about in the shallow water expertly freeing the lines and tossing the anchors She had done it many times before and she hoped Joel ws(S watching her Ellie left her to finish the set and wandered along the high water line When he came back he had an armful of sticks and boards which he drove into the sand in front of the blinds Then he strung cod line from one to another and Debby and Joel helped him weave beach grass and salt hay through the lines Joel said take long when you know how does it? The two blinds were 50 feet apart each one wide enough for two people and Bart and Ellie slid quickly into one of them leaving the other for Debby and Joel She avoided his eyes and sat as near the end of the blind as she could with her gun in her lap Turning away from him she stared at the horizon trying to think of something to say 10 AUTOMOBILES OR SALE PLYMOUTH 1 934 Good rul hrr good running condition Within OPA 8295' 1934 2 door dan Within OPA $316 Alklnaon Motor 918 Green Ht Phono 41701 tf AUTOthOBlLES 14 WANTED AUTOMOBILES uro TOTH co nd it within OPA 2ll SurpolJ bt ltatw UTO Contact pointe roton colls hydraulic wheel parts wheel bearings everything for your csr Abbott Auto Service Store High 8L nt Airline Blvd Phones 5129VV 9191 8 a to 10 in 8imdavs 9 2 tt HUB CAPS for Buick Pontiac Olds ord Chevrolet Best covers for all cars Abbott Auto Service Store High St at Airline Blvd Phone 5129W 9191 8 a to 10 Sunday 9 to WANTED RIDE to Naval Air Statloi from 910 Court St Working hour 7:30 a till 4:00 nt Phone 1070R tt ot May 1946 )' In Chancery 1 Is for the said a divorce a mensa et fhoro from the said defend ant upon the grounds of desertion and non support affidavit having been made that the defendant Is not a resi dent of the State of Virginia he 1 hereby required to appear within ten days Mier due publication hereof and do what may be necessary to protect hl Interest Teste: WHITE Clerk By ESSIE EMERY James Garrett nia10l7 24 8l VIRGINIA: IN THE fice ot the Circuit Court' of the City of Portsmouth on the Sth day of May 1946 Alice Smith Complainant In Chancery catvin Alvin Bmitn Defendant) The object of this suit complainant to obtain from dant a divorce a vlnculn IIBJIIBI IIIMHI III (jqjlll I AUCTION AND LEGAIZ AUCTIONS AND LEGALS IN MEMORIAM In' loving memory ot our darling mother Mrs 1 San yer who passed away two years ago today May 21 1944 Her smiling way and pleasant fact are i pleasure to recall She had a kindly word and idled beloved by all The years mav wipe out 'many things but this they ripe out never The memory of those happy day when we were all together ITER DEVOTED CHILDREN Apostolic Church of God in Christ 12215 Chestnut street Bishop Sam uel Williams pastor The Rev Lawrehce ot Norfolk will ap pear as guest minister at 12 noon and the Rev Sharpe will preach at night Revival services are still in progress conducted by the 14 year old Rev Samuel Wise of Durham Miss Martin Miss Hattie Beatrice Martin daughter of vey Martin and of tho lato Nonle Martin ot 156 Key Truxtun was joined in hold lock last Sunda lie Hurst Hurst or zoo ceremony was performed at 11 a at (Mt Calvary Baptist church Truxtun by the pastor the Rev Sharpe Let Us Supply YOUR Money Needs Loons to $300 ATLANTIC SMALL LOAN CORP D' 'in command The Metropolitan i Band will lead the parade and oth vir units in the march will include nobles and withinthe robes" candidates for 'the The parade will be followed by lispring ceremonials in the Odd el Mows Hall The line of march of procession will be Queen and Effingham to London to Green to street and west Io ort LanaThen the parade will march south on ort Lane to Glasgow street and west on Glasgow street to Godwin end possibly to CountyVstreet and from thence to Green to Clifford to Effingham and to the Grenadier Club at Effinghamend Queen streets Divine Baptist At St The Rev A Pinckney choir end congregation of Divine Baptist church Deep Creek will worship in "hit Baptist church Effing "ham and ayette streets Sunday in a service that will in 'elude unusual features The choirs officers deacons and other church groups of the two congre gations will enter together The 'message will be by Rev Mr Pinck Taiey The service will be for Ute of Divine building Yund and the congregation of Ca (i naan Baptist church Nansemond 'county has been invited The Rev "rS Lathan Is pastor of rand Canaan Community Club Meet The Community Char club will meet tonight in the Chome of Mrs Mabel Bouton' 2301 Pine street with full attendance urged by ths president Mrs Mar A tha Brown Jubilee Singers At Brighton Rock 2 The Tidewater Jubilee Singers wlll feature a back home hour pro Sunday night 9 Mu sic lovers have been invited to hear this talented group The Rev st ranklin Gregory is pastor 1 Descone Aciocistion Celebrate The Deacons and Deaconess aS soclation will' celebrate its sixth anniversary Sunday afternoon 3:30 iin Alt Calvary Baptist church1 it was announced by Green president Appropriate services will be held with the anniversary nyes eage by the pastor the Rev A Hoard The public has been invited A Boy or The Mr and Mrs Wayman Lewi 'of Carver Building 56 Apartment 210 are the parents of a boy born to them on May 14 in the Norfolk '2 Community hospitaL The mother! 7 and the youngster who weighed eight pounds at birth are doing sat iafactorily reports indicate The Lewises have two other chil dren a boy and a girl Mrs Lewis is the former Miss Beverly IL Boyd Xof Blackridge Va i Rev Blount At The Rev Blount of Norfolk for mer pastor of ML Olive Holiness church Race street Portsmouth will appear as guest minister Sun day night in the irst Pentecostal Church of Christ Holiness Parker fand Oak streets it was announced by the pastor the Rev Jack son Rev Mr Jackson will fill his pulpit Sunday morning Sunday school at 10 a Clarence Dar den superintendent Union Missionaries Appear The Vnnwn TTnlnn Ttf ieinnrio South Portsmouth will present a program Sunday 3:30 in irst Bap tist church Brighton it was learned from Mrs Martha Tyson leader i of the popular group Special fea st tures will mark the program with) the public Invited The Rev A Bingham is pastor i A ather Dies In West Dana Williams the father ot Win fred Williams of 1502 King street idied yesterday afternoon in Park ertburg Va He had been sick for an extended period and was to have been improving Winfred Williams left for Parkers burg last nighL Day At Third Day will be observed Sun day in Third Baptist Church undert the direction of a Day or ganization headed by Neal Rich arde chairman James Pearson is secretary Special features will mark the services Ths Hiram Simmons Glee Club noted male aggregation of this city directed by Samuel Pierce will appear at nighL Joseph Ellis chairman of the deacon board Bagin Open Air Open air services will begin Sunday night at the Apostolic Holiness Baptist 'i Church House of Prayer for All People County streeL The first ten nights will be conducted by Rev Mrs Marlon Davis Sunrise will be held Sunday at six 5Y Sunday school 11 a followed by services at 12 noon Bishop 72 Davis is presiding bishop Sons of Virginia The Sons COLORED NOTES WHEELER'S CNERAL BOMS 1 GREN ST rHOXS Barkiar Chanel Phene Berk SU TEN BOOM! DOUBLE 717 719 Pine St for sale Apply 710High St tf OJ ICE This 'notify the public lhat feet ire April 1st 10U I am mi longer connected vith tlio Portsmouth Auto Spring located at 425 pearl 8L Portsmouth la and will not luv ro any debts contracted by this firm (Signed) VAIL NOTICE This la to notify the public that on Juno 3 1946 or as soon thereafter as may bn heard I will appear before the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for license to sell Wine Beer and Ale of more lhan 32C sleohdlle content at Market 226 County St Portsmouth Said IVlne Iteer and Ale to be consumed off said prem ises LOUIS METER I Ta Market! 13 MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES BICYCLE OR SALE Phono 5763J 1 tt Two ridrs going to Tyler Texas leaving Saturday morning Must have references Apply 2203 Richmond Ave after 24 LOST Two Leggett dresses la Gold Meat Market Thursday Please return Mrs Nicholson 203 North Ht Upward 26 L( 1ST air of llarlequhi glasses be tween hospital and West View inder please call Sue Wayinann Taylor Ports 1217T Reward 25 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN HERE TONIGHT VIRGINIA STATE CHOIR NOROLK DIVISION Harry Savage Director IN CLASSIC RECITAL VIRGINIA: IN THE flea of the Circuit Court nt Norfolk County on the Vth day Carol A Orme Complainant Carlton Orme Defendant The object of this suit complainant to obtain 11' TRUCKS OR SALE oil 4 dump trucks 4 dump bodies all parts and accessories With or without a job $250 per hour Will sell at bargain or'lnformstion phone 4919 or 60251 13 16 Business Services Offered ALL WEATHER ROOING CO Roofing and guttering of all kinds Prompt service free estimates Call Port 1976M tf CITY ROOING AND SHEET METAL Contracting of all type roofing and guttering Roof painting and repair Call Lnnderman 417(1 20 ROOS Sears will arrange for Installation of a new root on your home at worth while savings all material and workmanship guar anteed Call for free estimates flesr Roebuck and Co Portsmouth Phone 4586 tf Let us apply that new root or repair that old one At a saving to you Insulated brick and asbesto siding ree estimates any where A terms Call 'AirTones Protsmoiith 15167 tf LOUR SANDING Machines or Rent inishing materials inish your floors yourself and ears Western Hardware Phone 795 tf SCREENS BUILT AND urniture reliniahlng repairing Call 4257VV nlrflcld JunlJ AUTOMOBILE John Reaser representative State arm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co the world's largest Phone 1799M tf OUNDATION Garments fitted in your' home by registered corsetiere Phono 2322W 29 1 SET NEW SADDLE BAGS and eide car delivery box for Harley David son motorcycle 17 Croatan Trail Rollingwood 27 and sell bicycles and motor cycles Portsmouth Cycla' Co Phon Ports 1915 tf 14 WANTED AUTOMOBILES Automobile 1037 to 1939 model ord Plymouth or Chevro let Phono 92311 26 DISCHARGED veteran will pay high est casn price for good used car from private owner at once Will 26973 day or 242 Garrett St Wll llntna Court Portsmouth evenings tf TOP CASH PRICE OR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK McLEAN HaNBURY PONTIAC CO 1230' HIGH PHONE 600S 'BEST CASH PRICE fl tel i IL' 7 owjt fff iMriiiriii 'a is HliHH JMW' i 4i Mr i 4 fv a tf 1 a yH 27 i il fl fl i iB rfl fl a a fl I I I I 1 1 II rm MH I i 9' It 'in 4 Il SfWcaa tA a a I i 'l 'ft vVjf 'tf Ljr'tfx 1 aftSJHfi a vzX aa" rf' az a A 'v a i a' 3 a au a i a av i a' a I' 4 uw I 14 2 5 14 4 14 7 4 9 7 9 20 25 29 U21 1 16 18 5 19 21 13 16 20 9 15 21 19 1 3 20 MA7O MAIL 21 1 J3 1 7 14 1 14 9 13 15 21 19 4 5 AM29 A21 20 1 19 20 5 15 It 16 12 5 1 19 21 18 5 MAT 1 4 16 20 5 4 20 15 3 15 13 13 1 14 4 16 5 3 9 1 12 16 20 9 20 21 (4 5 19 lYilw 4 9 6 6 9 3 21 12 20 13 15 13 5 14 20 1 A VVs 16 18 is 12 15 14 7 5 4 1 2 19 5 14 3 5 50173 2 I 3 8 1 14 7 5 6 15 18 2 5 20 20 5 It MOVn 12 12 5 18 5 13 15 12 21 13 3 14 20 20 8 15 21 7 8 20 12 5 19 19 13 15 22 5 19 19 9 14 9 14 7 19 21 3 3 5 J9 19 519.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.