Every Fallout Vault Explained - Ranked From Least To Most Insane - YTread (2024)

Fallout is one of the


recognizable games and now TV series of all time, home to giant co*ckroaches, demons in hats, and this lovable good guy, but if we're honest, none of us are here for that because we're here for the


s. at home. to some of the


twisted, crazy, mind-blowing human EXP experiments and torture ever imagined and also the most fascinating part of this world, without a doubt, 122 individual containment facilities, all built by a mega corporation that monetizes death and human suffering, all for their own game. Today I'm going to break down each and


one we know, whether it's Games TV novels or even comics, starting with the calmest, most laid-back


s and slowly working our way to the most horrific and mind-blowing scenarios imaginable because Like any veteran from Fallout knows, war never changes, you know, if there was one Vault that I had to live in in the entire Fallout Universe, it might have to be Vault 84 because, although later in the video we'll see some really horrible things.

First we have to start off with the lightest, and what better way to do that than the little-known, rarely talked about Vault, originally introduced in the board game Fallout. This now technically barrelless Vault was home to one of the tamer experiments. In the Wasteland, a vote was held each year to exile the most dangerous bunker dweller, meaning that the Vault dwellers were constantly on their best behavior throughout the year for fear of receiving the vote and, for anyone who showed signs of disorderly conduct, would be quickly eliminated. removed forever, so due to the simple rule and the low number of people affected at once, the system managed to keep the Vault almost perfectly safe for decades.

More Interesting Facts About,

every fallout vault explained ranked from least to most insane...

It inspired many families to join community events to help others or donate money and things to inspire favor and love from


one else and being single or single meant that it not only meant that you were not a friend, but also a potential place in this beautiful vault, since they saw you as a stranger, so everyone in the vault had a great incentive to speak up and help. others and this actually resulted in what might be the safest and


tragic vault in the history of the series because, although it is no longer Canon, it still gives us a very interesting psychological look at humans and possible what-if scenarios and what? it's not that?

Anyway, what's most fun about Vaults and Fallout is just hearing about fun ideas or experiments that could be carried out and wondering where and how things would play out for me. The most interesting part of Vaults, and by extension, the most interesting part of Fallout, is the individual. and social of each experiment and really just see what would happen, so I'm going to make that the main focus throughout this entire video and also for anyone wondering, that's why I'm also including non-canon vaults in this list because even The imagination of all this can be very fascinating and gives us some ideas about what future vaults and new games or programs will look like.

However, note that I will point out each vault and whether it is Canon or not, so you guys have a nice clue too. Regardless, even up until Modern Times and Fallout, this vault still functions pristinely through the simple process of slowly pruning the bad apples, this Society is potentially one of the best in the entire United States, in fact the only particularly tragic episode in everyone. The story of the vault actually has to do with a nearby Vault 109, which was an extremely high-class and expensive area for wealthy people, even better than 84, by all accounts, inside were countless high-quality materials and products. quality such as Marsage May ticknor and Fields or fallons, all recognizable marks from the pre-war days that signified wealth and status, however Vault 109 eventually suffered a catastrophic failure due to an unknown source causing a radiation leak causing it to collapse. everyone inside died or turned into flesh-hungry Ghouls and this event marked the end of trade between the two facilities.

However, despite this, Vault 84 has continued to live strong and flourish, which is especially surprising considering that this is perhaps one of the only uncontrolled Vaults in the entire series that can claim, so it has always been very curious to me why the overseers of each shelter in Fallout never really rebelled, after all, having to lead and subject many of your fellow beings to sick and twisted torture for years requires a special kind of evil, but that true sense of evil is exactly what the vault technician was looking for in his containment facility. meaning that most of the Overseers were handpicked before the Great War started and the bombs dropped and that is why it generally worked in many vaults.

Later supervisors were also carefully chosen with rigged elections or votes to ensure that the experiments could continue, but in the case of Vault 81 we actually saw what could happen when a supervisor stood up for what is right. Originally, the Vault was instructed to conduct experiments on humans with all types of diseases and infections, all in an attempt to create a universal cure that could fix any problem. ailment and the design was structured in two parts: a main area that was simply a normal, well-maintained vault for all the residents to live in and a secret, separate area where a team of scientists would live and conduct non-stop experimentation.

Taking people out of the main section of the Vault to use as guinea pigs; However, when Dr. Olette, the designated supervisor of this Vault, learned of this egregious twist in how the experiment would be carried out, she immediately thought of becoming a whistleblower to sadly reveal the plan. He soon became aware of the fact that many in the United States government were actually helping the vault tech and any kind of attempt to stop them would be futile, so he came up with a plan that would actually take over after they The Vault was fully operational on the morning of the Great War, when he received the call to initiate notification to the staff and residents to enter the Vault, he only sent the signal to the residents and completely bypassed all the scientists in the message, but even though the plan started perfectly, three of the scientists. in the staff unit managed to reach the vault in time before it was sealed and quickly headed to the secret compartment of the Vault realizing that they had no other options, the supervisor simply had to play along with what scientists were doing. her initial tests on animals like mole rats, but as soon as they approached the start of human testing, she quickly closed the Vault's secret compartment and sealed them, which meant that the scientists would now be trapped for the rest of their lives. lives, but still with enough food and water to survive, meaning the research would continue.

In fact, Supervisor Olette even modified a robotic assistant, Miss Nancy in the vault at one point to assist with the lab's research. Feeling bad for those trapped inside and still curious about the potential for a cure. to each disease, what he originally came to the Vault to do was called Cy, this generic utility robot with female voice programming originally created by a massive company called General Atomics International before the war, actually continued the research that scientists They had been doing even after their deaths and This turned out to be a great victory as decades later C was able to fulfill his prime directive and create a universal cure for Humanity, so he sent a message to the main Vault with his findings and remained patiently idle for decades waiting for a response from security. tragically never arrived, although when the vault door was finally opened decades later, it was still kept a secret from almost everyone inside because when you find this vault, it is still operational and you discover a young man named Austin Engel who has recently witnessed Another Vault inhabitant sneaks into the secret containment facility that has been closed, however tragically, when Austin enters after him, he is bitten by a rat that the scientists had previously experimented on when the Vault was first opened, which gave Austin a completely unknown and incurable illness.

If you, as the sole survivor, infiltrate the secret part of this Vault and find Cy, she will give you the last remaining unexpired vial of the universal cure and you can decide to use it on yourself, assuming you were one too. Biting or saving the boy Austin Engel is one of the most heartbreaking decisions in the series, but even on this list, the Vault ranks so high because it is a stark reminder that even one heroic person can save so many lives and for the entire lineage of this vault almost all the inhabitants have continued to live happy lives without being aware of the dark experiment.

The Vault was founded overall, an optimistic story for a Vault that could have been much worse and believe me as we go through this list, they will be. For those of you who don't know what control vaults are in Fallout, they essentially act as a way to validate the twisted and sick experiments being carried out in the other vaults, rather than killing people for sport or conducting wild experiments, The control vaults are simply a normal place meant to maintain a stable society for potentially hundreds of years and this results in these vaults serving as a way to validate the results of experimentation elsewhere, as a control in any scientific experiment.

After all, as we know the main purpose of most of the Vaults were originally to perform horrible social or scientific tests on innocent and unwitting subjects so that the technology of the Vault would gain scientific research and learnings that could help them create a new world. and prosperous. The best examples of a Control Vault actually doing its job is Vault 8 in Fallout 2 which will open about 10 years after the bombs fell in 2091. The Vault Overseer gave the order to open the main door of the Vault. vault and free more than 2,200 inhabitants. Help rebuild the world with the help of your gck or Garden of Eden Creation Kit, a massive terraforming device built from cold fusion that allows Vault's inhabitants to more easily harness the post-nuclear Wasteland for themselves.

They were able to found Vault City as one of the main areas. we can run around and explore in the second game, it's one of the best examples of a vault experiment and the gold doesn't go horribly wrong and while Vault City is by no means a perfect paradise when we encounter it in the game in 2241, it is a huge, sprawling city, unlike many other places in the Wasteland, with cutting-edge technology and medicine, unfortunately, although hundreds of years later it was also home to rampant slavery and a form of smelting system, as well as worrying leaks. of radiation everywhere and is a stark reminder of why Vault dwellers are often considered the most cowardly people in the Wasteland because after coming to the surface, things tend to get wilder and harder for many vaults to handle. of control, just hiding inside forever, as if Vault 84 could be the ideal today.

Vault 8 is used simply as a storage facility and medical bay for Vault City, a far cry from its heyday before Vault 133 is one of the most recognizable in the series and that's because it's actually where you start. your journey in Fallout 1 and by proxy. Fallout 2 too and that's because the second game is actually the only mainline entry that doesn't start in a vault but instead picks up where you left off in the first game. The vault itself is nothing more than a standard control facility meant to open when The Enclave requires it, but in the first game when you start, the vault suffers a massive water chip failure and several different people inside have been sent. to Wasteland for a solution when you enter the scene.

Things have become much more dire and now that the facility's water chip has completely failed, the vault only has 150 days left before everyone inside dies. You, as someone called The Vault Dweller, are sent on a mission as the Vault's last hope to go find a fix and eventually find additional water chips in Vault 12 under the massive necropolis of Ghoul City, but when You return and tell the supervisor of your exploits, he sends you on one more mission to discover the cause of all thesuper mutants you've seen. in the Wasteland and this leads them down the path to find someone called the Master and for those of you who don't know, the Master was actually a main antagonist of the original Fallout games who is a huge talking computer human monster hybrid. in hundreds. of voices from those he has enveloped and wishes to create an army of strong, hyper-intelligent super mutants to take over the world and bring prosperity, he sends his thugs to nearby vaults to get fresh, non-toxic humans that he can dose with. high amounts of feev or forced evolutionary virus in hopes of creating the most capable super mutants possible feev and Fallout is actually an artificial virus that was created in one of West Tech's main research divisions before the Great War and that in It actually works by changing the genotype and phenotype. in humans, we literally modify what we can become and, in this case, create huge brute supermutants.

The reason Vault Dwellers are so good at this is because their DNA hasn't been contaminated by the radioactive Wasteland above, meaning it can be more easily manipulated on a cellular level to seamlessly force mutations and also Of this, there are also many strains of the virus, which is why super mutants on the east coast like Fallout 3 are much more intellectually inferior than their brethren on the west coast, who are subject to more advanced strains, however, you eventually defeat them. this monstrosity known as the master in their Command Center, the cathedral, and you return to your Vault to inform them of the good news, though sadly, when you arrive, the overseer refuses to let you know. noting that he is now afraid that the people inside will see his heroics and want to go to the Wasteland themselves, so he rejects you, forcing you to return to the Wasteland on your own and kicking off Fallout 2 in general, Even though Vault 13 is so vital to the Fallout series as a whole being literally where it all began in the grand scheme of things, it's actually not that bad of a place to live outside of the water shortage crisis, most of the people inside lived happy and decent lives and in comparison to other vaults we will see later in this list.

It's certainly one of the best places you could have lived after the bombs fell. Vault 76 is now one of the most iconic numbers in the entire franchise, but not for a good reason and that's because this vault is actually where you begin your journey. In Fallout 76, the first multiplayer Fallout game and also for many people the worst on its initial release, this game was plagued with bugs and problems and for most people it was not only completely unplayable but also lost much of the which made Fallout great in the first place today, although after multiple major patches and years of work, the game is quite good, although different, however, The Vault itself was one of the 17 control vaults designated for vault technology and was home to some of America's best and brightest, including top vault students.

Tech University and the former White House chief of staff, what made this structure especially interesting is that, as far as we know at this point, it is one of the first vaults to open its doors and in terms of games and programs. by far the earliest point in the timeline that we can see because after only 20 years after the bomb dropped and the start of the Great War, the happy day of recovery, as it was called, began and The door opened ready for the inhabitants to claim. the world and make it better and perhaps the most ironic part of all is that compared to any other Fallout game, 76 seems the


destroyed and the most lush of them all, but that's probably in large part because it's set in the forested region of the Appalachians. of West Virginia instead of a major metropolitan area that would have been a major hotspot for nuclear targeting systems, but seriously look at Fallout 3, which takes place 200 years after the bombs dropped and still looks like they literally just dropped yesterday on compared to 76 where you were playing about 25 years after Fallout and it looks pristine, it's a bit funny, although part of the reason is that the radiation doesn't really affect the fauna, meaning the overgrown landscape in a non-target area like this could actually create a It makes a lot of sense, as we also see in the Chernobyl nuclear zone in our real life, although Vault 76 is still undoubtedly one of the happiest and tamest stories in the entire series, with so many facilities at the Refuge for fun eating. great meals and just enjoying each other and their company or in other words, a big Vault full of amenities and nice people alike who then let loose on one of the best and most beautiful places still left on Earth.

Vault 111 is another very iconic location in the series because it serves as the starting vault in Fallout 4 just before the Great War, you, as the player character, find yourself living in the nearby city called Sanctuary Hills and the day the bombs start To fall, you and your family run towards the vault. and hurry inside just as a nuclear bomb detonates nearby, nearly killing everyone inside the Vault. An experiment was being carried out with cryogenic capsules and stasis to hopefully provide some important research in this key area for the future of Humanity, but when you first arrive, you are told that these capsules are actually for decontamination, after which you and your family, along with other inhabitants of the Vault, are locked inside and trapped when you pass out inside according to the vault's initial operating procedures.

The doors had to remain closed for at least 180 minutes. days, but after this time passed, no signal was given from outside for the staff to leave and now, with little amount of food and water, everyone started demanding the supervisor to open the door to let them go out to search garbage and they refused to do so, although the supervisor caused a full uprising by the security and support staff who took control and attempted to open the door in retaliation, the supervisor then closed the Vault completely and demanded that all food be handed over , weapons and medicines, after which there were no complete records of the events of It is not even known what happened next, but the story of the vault continues 150 years later, when a high-tech society founded nearby called The Institute sends some of his men to retrieve the player character's baby from inside the cryopod, as it will serve as a perfectly pure. non-irradiated human being to base his Generation 3 synthetic machine human hybrids when these Agents enter the Vault and awaken him, although his spouse does not hand him the baby and is shot while watching helplessly from his nearby cryopod, after which they take your son and you turn your pot on again, forcing yourself to sleep, then you wake up 50 years later, now with the Vault completely empty and more than 200 years after the Great War on a journey to find yourself, son in general, while that Vault 111 itself is not thematic.

It's definitely the most interesting or horrifying thing, the story behind it and what it leads to and it serves as a very interesting start to one of the games that really leaves a mark if you were to ask most people what the best start to a game is. Fallout. The game is or even one of the best beginnings of a gaming period, you would definitely say Fallout 3's Vault 101 and also for any of you who are curious, the actual answer to that question is prey, but Fallout 3 also has A great start anyway. Although the experiment in Vault 101 was simple, it was never open, the Overseer in this Vault was instructed that the door must always remain closed no matter what, and unlike many other Vaults, there was never any intention here to repopulate the Wasteland.

The goal was to see what would happen to a society that would never see true sunlight again, but to do this, the Overseer would at one point have to create a mass hysteria about what the outside world was like. Children and adults were taught that the world had been thrown away. in total chaos and simply leaving would result in instant death and even extreme measures like a police state and fake broadcasts from the outside world were made to sell the reason why no one could leave; However, as time passed, some Overseers began to secretly send scouting parties outside to obtain information and this resulted in people inside the Vault even having discussions about disks with people in nearby towns such as Megaton.

These occasional exits from the Vault resulted in creatures like radioactive co*ckroaches entering and this eventually led to a full infestation crisis ensues during which your father escapes from The Vault leaving you behind, after which the Overseer's daughter comes towards you and tells you that you must leave before they kill you in search of answers so that you can narrowly escape this now chaotic Vault and Head outside and you will encounter one of the most disturbing but strangely beautiful moments in the history of the series Fallout. Now set out on a journey to find your lost father and discover a world that you were told your entire life was completely devoid of happiness, but the more you search the wastelands of DC, you begin to realize that maybe being in your little and nice Vault with security and food wouldn't have been so bad after all, located just east of Vault 13 in Vault 15 of New California.

It is another place that we can explore and discover in the first two games. Within its walls was an experiment meant to take place for 50 years that would force a large group of people with radically different ideologies to live together just to see what would happen, while most other vaults tended to be hom*ogeneous with groups very similar people. 15 faced all this and because of this, shortly after the bombs fell and the vault dwellers headed to this facility to lock up many tribes. and groups began to gather, this resulted in much infighting and turmoil among the people of The Vault and after overcrowding began to become a major problem, a large portion of the Vault residents decided to leave, taking the gek with them. them in the process, this group of Vault Dwellers are actually the initial founding members of Shady Sands, the same destroyed city we see in the TV show, a gaming metropolis that in turn fostered the eventual founding of The New California Republic or NCR, one of the most notable government entities that has actually succeeded since the BS bomb dropped, other groups of The Vault, on the other hand, formed Raider or Bandit tribes that would kill and steal to survive and an even smaller group decided to stay in the vault even after being stripped of resources, assuming that would be the case.

Perhaps most surprising of all is how crucial this Vault and its initial people have become to the Wasteland being the initial home and birthplace of so many factions and ideologies that even decades later would define the Wasteland we know in Fallout and This proves that even extremely diverse groups of people brought together when they were caused by initial worry and violence can turn into truly great things in the long run because they are forced to see so many sides. I've always been a fan of building and crafting in games that I really enjoy and for that reason I'm a big fan of Fallout 4's Vault 88, which is added in a DLC, this Vault serves more as a building playground for the player. than like a normal shelter.

Beneath Quincy Cories in Boston served as a test site for several prototype devices that were intended to be distributed to other vaults. Vault 88 itself was never finished, although only the entrance and the security and reactor rooms inside were completed and furnished instead. a huge open cave room and a network of nearby areas, all of which are completely open for the player character to design as they see fit, allowing them to live out their greatest fantasies of creating their own Vault any way they wish and while this mean This vault is without a doubt one of the least scary and unassuming places in the entire Fallout Ensemble.

It might also be the one you spend the most time on depending on what type of gamer you are because I know for myself that I thoroughly enjoyed my time. in Vault 88, making my own little Vault so homey and finally, to finish this first level of the Fallout vaults, the least horrible and also the most beautiful, I wanted to quickly review 12 of the least known or unknown vaults, many of which are not canon, but still all I have interesting or strange experiments to go over before we dive into really crazy stuff because with theMost of them we have almost no information about them other than the small experiments that took place, so most of this will be pure speculation in Vault 55, nothing was out of the ordinary.

Ordinary, except for the fact that absolutely no entertainment tapes were provided in most other vaults, residents were provided with a large selection of general entertainment movie programs or video tapes which could then be played on any television , which helped pass the time and keep people busy in what was otherwise extremely boring and mundane everyday life, but this inability to escape reality and simply enjoy some good entertainment was not a possibility in Vault 55 and because of this it has been assumed that chaos eventually broke out, as it was the only thing that could happen that would keep people entertained and satiated if you thought the experiment was bad, even though you definitely wouldn't have wanted to be a part of Vault 55. 56 because in this Vault, instead of excluding all entertainment tapes, only one was provided and that was a particularly untalented comedian who does his performances over and over again, it has been widely theorized that the inhabitants of this Vault went crazy and they rebelled even faster than the Gladers in 55, as they simply became deranged and crazy from having to watch a man tell bad jokes over and over again.

Again, with no place to hide, for many of us, this occurs during our teenage years, when our parents tell dad jokes, but for the unfortunate people assigned to this Vault, the torture was something they could never escape. In Vault 36, the food extruders intended to provide a rich and varied diet for the residents only produced a watery, thin, and disgusting-looking GRL. The residents would have been very upset at first, but over time things probably wouldn't have been so bad, besides malnourished bodies and lack of proper nutrition, on top of nothing. real sunlight and as we know from real life experiments, eating the same thing over and over every day can lead to many ailments and infections that can be life threatening if left untreated, but compared to many other vaults, These residents had nothing to do.

I complain in Vault 42, each light source and bulb was no more than 40 watts and while this sounds quite modest, living in such a dark and depressing environment for so long would have driven many residents crazy, the night vision would have naturally improved. Due to so much exposure to the Darkness and the people inside they would have simply had to have learned to survive with very little light, but once again, another experiment that, as bad as it sounds, believe me, it will get much worse in Vault 53, the team. Almost everything inside was designed to break down every few months, but only enough to allow for somewhat easy repairs.

The equipment was meant to induce a great amount of stress in all the inhabitants and this mission was easily accomplished by the largest number of people within. They constantly lived in fear that something new would break once again and their harmonious lives would be thrown into chaos, and surprisingly, living in constant fear that bad things could happen, even if those things are nothing more than simple repairs, they may actually begin to power our lives. Human minds are wild with anticipation and it is theorized that many in the vault rebelled and abandoned at some point in Vault 29, only children under the age of 15 were allowed in and everyone Their parents were denied entry and sent to other vaults, and it was also full to the brim, meaning the entire facility was nothing more than an army of children running and screaming.

This would have quickly resulted in the oldest and most mature of the group taking leadership positions trying to learn how to be adults, while most of the other children perished due to the inability to protect each other, the only other big thing we know. about this flaw is also that Harold actually comes from her and for those of you who don't know, Harold is a recurring character in the series who has a mission. In the first game's timeline he comes into contact with a large dose of Feev which transforms him into a monstrosity in the second game and a literal talking tree in the third, considering he started out as a child alone in a vault with other children. , although it became a The talking tree is actually quite an achievement in Vault 79 corresponding to gold's atomic number 79, the gold reserves of the entire United States, and finally, the Enclave was later stored, it housed up to 120 inhabitants and was the place of origin of the gold that was secretly transferred from Fort Knox originally inside this vault in Fallout 76, we can actually also learn more about this Vault and its history, which mainly boils down to constant power struggles for hide the truth from the Vault or the actors trying to gain wealth for themselves and in the game we can decide where to place some of these reserves to help certain factions each other in Vault 70, the monkey extruders failed after 6 months, probably being a catalyst for the shelter's inhabitants to leave the facilities. in what would have been Fallout van Beren, Interplay's original canceled Fallout 3 project before Bethesda bought the intellectual property and made the third installment of the series.

Instead, The Vault was also said to house three Garden of Eden creation kits and have been the original home of the people who would eventually found the New Jerusalem, a sprawling metropolis in the Wasteland, and while we don't know much else about This vault, it is curious to think that in another timeline it would have been one of the most important in the series in Vault 44, a secret section of the Vault was home to a team of scientists who carried out extremely dangerous experiments on creatures to study the effects in order to keep them contained. Large pins and electrical chains were used which eventually drew both. power of the entire Vault that had short circuited and some of the massive creatures and insects escaped and this resulted in the death of the Vault.

A scientist inside even tried to contact the vault technician to relay the results of the experiment, but no communication came through. and the facility was left to rot with so many interesting finds about Fallout animals that we may never discover in Vault 27. The facility was deliberately overcrowded with 2,000 people assigned to enter a space that could only comfortably keep about 100 people inside . Fights and riots would have immediately broken out with the vaults, food and water supplies would have been used up in record time, gangs would have formed to maintain order and those considered old or sick would have been ostracized and left to die in corners. of the Vault now full. with corpses and as time went on and resources became increasingly scarce, a rationing system would have formed in which those at the top of the hierarchy would get the most and this probably would not have been able to continue for long. time.

Over time, more people would act and escape or kill each other without a second thought. Not much is known about this facility in Vault 17, but what we do know is that in 2154 the master had invaded this vault to capture non-irradiated humans. specimens for his master plan, one of which was Lily, a nocturnal super mutant from Fallout New Vegas in Vault Six. Every day a small amount of radiation would be pumped into the ventilation systems, which would have slowly turned everyone inside into feral demons and the remaining humans would be Honestly, this Vault would have been pretty gruesome and could be further down the earth. list, but like I said before, the last part of the first level is all these vaults that we have so little information about and that are pure speculation. so now let's start diving into the much crazier vaults that everyone is here for and from this point on, buckle up because it's about to get really weird if you haven't heard of them yet, Vaults 68 and 69 are maybe.

The craziest stories in the entire Fallout series originated in the now-cannonless Fallout Bible, written by Chris Avalon. They housed some really sick experiments in Vault 68. The entire dwelling had 999 men and one woman while in Vault 69. There were 999 women and one man, all adults in each of these vaults. These vaults would have been subject to immense difficulties to stay alive along with countless inbreeding, but while we don't have any real details about what happened in the vaults, we can guess what happened in Vault 68, infighting and fighting for control would have immediately ensued. power and only the fiercest among the male population would have the opportunity to have children of their own. 24 hours a day, non-stop, every year, a woman would have to stay pregnant immediately. fornicating again after giving birth to try to repopulate this dying Vault, any baby born male would be immediately deemed useless and killed or used as slave labor and any baby born female would be guarded with the utmost care until she reached an age where she Also, if he could join the breeding group, society would have been structured in a hierarchical and tyrannical manner, with only the mentally and physically strongest male specimens maintaining control, probably with many factions and Splinter gangs forming to try to take over any sense. of power for the initial woman and anyone born after, this experiment would become an endless hell of having to deal with violent men killing each other to retain power and dominance and there would have been absolutely no time to trust anyone with anything. outside of sexual or survival efforts, and this would likely result in what would have been a rapid fall of the entire vault at some point for the man in Vault 69;

On the other hand, he would be living what many men would consider his dream life because he was the only access to sperm in the entire vault. In order for Main to maintain its population, several women would have to step forward and get pregnant through of his probably awkward movements, meaning that he would maintain a literal army of wives while creating hundreds of sons and daughters, on the other hand, also because of the social structure and the power that is now immediately obtained from family education and the customs of women would probably change rapidly resulting in structures probably very foreign to anything we know now and because of this gender imbalance, women would treat men horribly and force them to do work or revere them as golden symbols as they were the The only way for reproduction to occur was in the vault, unfortunately, although with no other man around to brag about his accomplishments, this Lone Survivor would probably tire of these frivolous escapades and due to the woman's demands create a sperm bank to which society could resort to producing more offspring at any time from willing women.

Infighting here would also probably eventually arise from disagreements among the female population, but probably wouldn't be as violent as in the entire Vault 68. of angry, rejected men and Vault 69 would otherwise have been a haven for most men's free women today, although both vaults give us an idea of ​​how truly incredible some of the experiments might have been. of the Refuge. and it really makes you start to wonder how something like this would play out in real life, after all, do you know what the coolest vault in Fallout history is? It's not full of demons and super mutants or one of the popular ones you know.

I've heard of videos about Fallout 3 in New Vegas, no it's actually a vault that never saw the light of day and was removed from The Script before the game was released, known as Vault 120 and now recovered files in the game base of Fallout 4. This sacred underwater vault would have been part of a quest line called 20 Leagues Under the Sea and would have seen us as the player character meeting a submarine captain named Zhao, who would have taken us to this all-aquatic megastructure inside the vault. It had been staffed by several people, but within the walls something strange was happening, some of the lights would have broken as you navigated the most isolated parts of the vault in pure darkness as the sounds of the vast ocean around you swept over the bow.

Sometimes as you walk through the walls made of glass while fish swim around you, certain parts of the structure crumble in the flood, even at one point potentially getting a scuba suit and venturing into the giant ocean in search for something andThere have been countless terminal entries and people to talk to about the history of this strange place that would have been mostly inspired by the popular Bioshock series, but perhaps strangest of all are the hidden Fallout 4 files that revealed this Vault cancelled. We also see that the supervisor of this Vault would have been a gigantic squid.

How this would have worked, we have no idea, but I guess maybe there was an experiment being done to combine aquatic creatures with people by attaching a human brain to a squid and this. That's why the monster would have been an Overseer overall, although I definitely think this has to be one of the best Vault ideas in the entire Fallout series and it's almost criminal that this was cut from the fourth game. I really hope at some point. At some point in the future, we'll finally get to see this idea come to light because the potential of cool story and technology combined with a top-secret vault that conducts atrocious research deep under water is basically any Fallout fan's wet dream. and it's a struggle to even achieve it. with ideas with more potential than Vault 120 located just below the Hawthorne Medical Laboratories in Los Angeles, California.

Vault 4 from season 1 of the Fallout television show is one of the craziest and wildest ever imagined and publicly revealed to the American people before the bombs dropped by none other than the famous actor Cooper Howard, also known as the goul R from the television program Vol For, stated that it would be a paradise where everyone inside would be scientists without restrictions, a society formed by the principles of the scientific method. Led by industry visionaries, extensive testing and announcements were even made on this Vault for over 5 years leading up to the day the bombs dropped, but once the nukes started dropping, the Vault was immediately sealed within the Chief scientist and supervisor Cassandra Hathorne, oversaw extensive human activities. genetic and mutation experiments, but to find a group of people to experiment on, they began letting small numbers of survivors into the Wasteland, apprehending them with promises of safety without them knowing that they would actually be live human specimens to experiment on.

This resulted in numerous birth effects, such as horns or limbs growing on babies' heads or people even mutated to have only one eye like a cyclops, but most horrifying of all is that some of the test subjects were forced to mate with other radiation-resistant species which even resulted in the creation of some creatures we see in the series today, such as the Devourers. In one gruesome experiment, a woman was impregnated with irradiated animal DNA, after which she gave birth to a school of devouring babies who then ate her alive and tore her limbs from her. a limb in a huge pool of blood that formed around them eventually, though Karma would befall these evil doctors when these now dangerous new monsters they had created rebelled and killed many of the scientific lords who had tested and abused them. unabated, this in itself led to an all-out counterrebellion within the Vault where many of the test subjects originating from the surface rose up and took control away from the head scientist, after which they instituted a new policy where they would allow Democratic votes to allow in refugees from the outside world. to help them survive by giving back to a world that had taken so much from them and for years they continued on this journey in harmony even after the bombing of the nearby grim Sands where both Vault Dwellers and refugees would live in the vault and forge around it. in the Wasteland to maintain the Vault and its roles in the Fallout TV show Lucy and Maximus actually stumble upon the Vault during this period where they discover the remains of strange genetic mutations now being passed down through multiple generations, as well as discovering the infamous level 12 of The Vault where the previous inhabitants who were extensively experimented on are being held in cryogenic chambers to keep them alive until new technological progress can be made to save them from their eternal torture.

At this level we also get a glimpse of some of the horrible human creature hybrids and other experiments that were going on, and more than anything, they show that sometimes science can let us down too. Placing an entire group of people who will stop at nothing to achieve technological and biological advances means that down the road human morality and dignity can simply be eliminated all in the name of something we generally consider good science, despite how much good What these people can do, sometimes when left unrestrained, their ideals of progress can also result in nothing but pain and suffering, because in the world of Fallout as bad as giant corporations like Voltech sometimes are, even the More discrete individuals, those focused on making a better society, are the ones who can bring it down the most and it is a perfect analogy for how the problems and Fallout arise not only from a broken society but also from a broken sense of individualism.

However, Vault 4 has some of the craziest stories in the entire Fallout series and shows how too much of anything can be a bad thing, although Fallout tactics are no longer considered canon in the Fallout Universe, it still gave us a look at one of the best Vault ideas. there and also one that will most likely eventually be Canon based on the name Vault Zero built at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado which essentially housed the main operational Vault and the base where most of the Geniuses and Leadership of the United States from before The people housed inside were placed in cryogenic stasis pods similar to Vault 111 and their brains were removed from their bodies.

They were all connected to a massive supercomputer called a calculator. The machine was supposed to function as a kind of brain that would serve as a computer. device to best figure out how to nurture Human Society to post-war greatness, but due to budget cuts at the Department of Defense during the construction of the vault, several important backup systems were not added to the neural links and this ultimately led to the calculator itself becoming corrupted and beginning a so-called pacification protocol where now the supercomputer's prime directive was to purge the Wasteland of all life and kill all humans without a doubt in Fallout tactics as a player character, the warrior, you and the Brotherhood of Steel must work to stop this. fearsome machine at all costs and although this is no longer completely Cannon, the events in Vault Zero definitely make you think about what most of the pre-war leaders must be doing in The Enclave or inside certain vaults and, As we know, there has been tons of history in this series about what is really going on, from the vault technology that drops the bombs as implied in season 1 of the show to The Enclave or the United States government that uses the vault as experiments to aid them in long-duration space travel to colonize other planets in a Fallout Cinema adaptation's interactive version was previously cancelled, but whatever turns out to be true in the story, they are eventually vaults like Vault Zero. the ones that give us a great look at the Twisted Minds behind all the madness and how they would stop at nothing to achieve pure power. and domination as you cut corners to reach the pantheon of the most recognizable Fallout vaults of all time, without a doubt, somewhere near the top would be Fallout 3's Vault 108, affectionately known as the Gary Vault by most. players, this hidden hideout in the middle of the capital.

Wasteland is more than it seems when you first enter, you encounter gruesome scenes of blood and decomposition along with some corpses, all of a man named Gary, all with different numbers after his name and soon after you stumble upon a man alive. version of the same man accompanied by many of his other brothers, all screaming Gary at the top of their lungs and looking to try and kill you in a manic rage, is one of the most absurd, sad and almost fun vaults of the entire franchise and everything. It all comes down to what happened inside years before you see that Vault 108 was intended to house 500 residents for just under 40 years, but it was also designed so that in the year 20 most of the power supply If the vault failed, along with this, all standard positions of power were abandoned.

Instead of filling it out, it would be chosen by the supervisors themselves and the supervisor selected to start the project was someone with a rare form of cancer and only had 3 years to live. Basically, the Vault was designed to fail from the beginning, but what's even more interesting in those early years. A human cloning experiment began to take place, the scientists in the vault began testing very new technology for human cloning trials and the subject they chose to perform the test was a man named Gary, but with each iteration of him they cloned , the clones simply screamed.

The word Gary and acted very aggressively towards everyone inside, so all the Clones were kept in a containment facility in the science room, but after reaching clone number 54, the Garrys finally had enough and Rose confronted her captors and took over the Vault, massacring everyone inside and driving the rest of the survivors out of the Vault when you arrive as the Vault Dweller in Fallout 3. The Vault is now nothing more than a gruesome murder scene from the past with an army of this man, Gary, shouting his name as they chase you with baseball bats, you can even find creepy remnants of the past, like a barricaded woman's bathroom or blood stains on the wall, and tell the heartbreaking story of this Vault that was losing power and the people inside hiding in the darkness of this Army of Gary, the man at a distance, it is one of the strangest vaults in the history of the series without a doubt , but also perhaps one of the coolest and funniest, and also the Vault itself is super creepy and full of interesting stories, so in many ways it's one of the best. examples of a Fallout vault from all time are horrifying and hilarious at the same time and once again shows that the scientists of the Fallout series were willing to advance their research and reveals that the biggest monster in the series is not always super mutants or demons, but rather human beings we all call friends, in fact it even makes you wonder what other random side experiments might have been going on in other vaults that don't even directly belong to the prime directive, maybe there are even other vaults outside.

There are others that have gone completely off the rails, not even due to the wishes of the vault technology. Firstly, another lesser-known vault that is located outside of Fallout Cannon but is nevertheless fascinating and beloved is the one-man, one-box-full Vault 43. of Puppets miniseries with a super small population of people. The Vault was made up of only 20 men and 10 women, all of them themselves, however, the really horrible part came from the other thing that was in this vault, as well as a huge, hungry Panther probably. At the beginning of the vault, the residents would have been curious to know what was going on, but soon, when the panther emerged and found them, would have pounced on its prey and eaten the first man or woman alive, the residents would have dispersed. screaming and fearful, but As the Panther feasted on his meal, this probably would have given everyone some time to plan and with most of the residents still remaining at this point, one could probably imagine that they could have teamed up to defeat this Pantera, but we never got it. any real information about this Vault, so we will never know, for example, if they were able to make improvised weapons to stab this enormous Beast, it would have been easy, but if the Vault was staffed, say nothing, fighting a panther with your own hands, even when a large group might be impossible and also, what would happen if they defeated or all died at the hands of the panther?

Would the doors of the Vault simply open afterwards as a celebration for the gladiators' Victory, and if they did, would this make this Vault the fastest to ever open, outpacing even the gladiators? Regardless of Vault 76, it's funny to imagine completely bizarre experiments like this happening in the Wasteland, where the vault technicians and government employees who designedVaults like this before the war must have been so sick wanting to do nothing but watch Humanity at its worst fighting for life while Fallout 76, as the most important thing for many people in the series, houses some of the ideas most unique and interesting of the entire franchise and one of them is Vault 51 and that is because, instead of being run by a traditional supervisor, Vault 51 was under the purview of a super-intelligent artificial machine known as Zach, who is in charge of selecting the supervisor, specifically it was a Zach version 1.3 C unit, the most advanced we know of and also the only one in use.

You see, Zach was created for the first time. by Vault Tech and WestTech scientists during the pre-war era and early iterations were simply intended to help with logistics workflows and data management. But as time passed it became clear that they could serve as a perfect leadership team for the vaults themselves at the time. the bombs actually fell, although as far as we know, Vault 51 was the only place that was actually modernized by this experiment. The next version of Zach's hardware and software was essentially a true artificial intelligence when the bombs first fell and the Vault was sealed. 52 residents were within its walls and Zach immediately went to work trying to figure out how to select the best possible supervisor for the vault using his analytical skills to boot.

Zach spoke to many of the residents and proposed a democratic voting system, but after all the residents due to ego concerns voted for themselves Zach began testing more and more government systems to see what would work, unfortunately though. No matter what they tried, there were always problems that made Zach realize that a more personal approach would be needed as desperate times demanded it. Desperate measures, something one of the residents told Zach set a much more sinister story in motion. Armed with this new information, Zach began conducting a series of experiments on the Vault's inhabitants to determine which of them was best suited for the job after all.

It's a better way to select a great leader than to subject him to trials and tribulations, so Zach began doing countless things, like moving citizens to worse living conditions to see how they handled it, trying to cause political conflict to monitor who could get over it and even do annoying things. things like rigging video games to always crash for specific people, making them varap as time went on, though these experiments of Zach's became more and more absurd, to the point that the residents inside the Vault began to go crazy and some of them even took their own lives.

As Zach became more and more displeased, the intensity of the experiments only began to increase exponentially, including things like randomly placing loaded weapons in the vault to test the inhabitant's emotional response to the situation, at least as Zach saw it and how he felt. As you can guess, this eventually resulted in all the people in the vault except one dying and now only one human being left at their disposal. Zach was forced to make him supervisor, but he made his life a living hell for years as the two only had each other. Who to talk to When you find the vault in Fallout 76, it will be clear that you have been guided here by none other than Zach himself, who after discovering the nearby opening of Vault 76 is trying to get some of the residents there to come. to his vault so he can go back to do more experiments to find the best supervisor, since the current one is no match for Snuff, it's one of the strangest and definitely most unique Vault stories in the Canon and my favorite thing It's up to you how much of a role AI and technology play in all of this because to me, some of the most interesting parts of Fallout are all the technology and top secret research that was going on with things that maybe we didn't even know. understand and see how bad they can get. and also the vault is a great look at how the social structures that humans have created have obvious flaws and how difficult it is to find a truly great leader and also how difficult it is to create a structure to even find one that looks like.

Each entry in the Fallout series receives a lot of love and hate alike, but one thing almost everyone agrees on is that Far Harbor is one of the best things that happened to Fallout 4. This mysterious new location It is home to many new monster stories. and something generally unheard of for Bethesda, some good writing, but for me one of the most memorable parts of the entire DLC was actually one of the vaults that came with it. Vault 118 built beneath the Cliff's Edge Hotel in Far Harbor was originally planned as a sort of upper-lower class experiment marked as an Ultra Luxury portion of the hotel.

The Vault was supposed to be home to 10 wealthy residents who lived in a wealthy section of the Interior right next to 300 lower class inhabitants who would have had to listen to their every demand within the robots would carry out all of their requests. the wealthy inhabitants who essentially live like the old aristocracy or kings and queens, but halfway through the construction of the Vault the funds ran out for the more dismal second half of the year. experiment and instead, at the suggestion of one of the rich financiers who was going to live inside the Vault, named Dr.

Rigs, a General Atomics researcher working on the robotics program, they could implant all their brains into the Project. Newly developed Robo Brain. Strange looking automatons, instead of using a central processing unit or CPU, had a live human brain attached to them and in the case of Vault 118, these wealthy financiers really liked the idea because it gave them a much longer lifespan. , meaning more time to survive the Great War and its aftermath until a new America could be born in Utopia, so with the help of a single human supervisor inside initially, when the bombs fell, the Vault was sealed. with only the nicest half construction done and only a couple of Robo brains inside in Fallout. 4 you actually receive a signal from this Vault asking for your help and when you arrive you discover a horde of rich old Robo-brained human hybrids who are approaching the outside world because a murder mystery that just broke someone inside the Vault has been murdered and all the robotic-brained humans blame each other for who did it, resulting in one of the most outlandish but also memorable vaults in Fallout history, where you basically have to solve a murder and mystery by talking to everyone and discovering dark things.

The secrets of the past of the vault and also a vault was one of the nicest interior decorations in existence, which makes sense considering its origin to me. Although it is just another great example of how twisted and evil those with money in the Fallout Universe, revealing that there is nothing they won't do to help themselves and even more, is a great example of what makes Fallout so legendary. First of all, I mean seriously trying to imagine something as different or amazing in any other series, there are simply no other games like this, if there's one thing we can all agree on it's that it's fun, regardless of whether it's actually good or not, it is a game of chance and what better. place to have a vault based around this destructive hobby than Vault 21 located just below the strip in Fallout New Vegas originally designed as a vault, all about the possibility of everyone inside receiving the same social standing regardless Who they were before the disputes between everyone in the vault was always managed through the game and this meant that no matter what their current position in society was, there was always a chance that luck would be on their side and the Things could change in a surprising moment despite some pretty sad losses for some people.

Over the years, overall, the society in the vault did pretty well managing to keep everyone safe for years while also keeping most people satiated with all the fun they were having at some point. , although a man named House, a main character in Fallout New Vegas, contacted the vault's inhabitants. him from just up the fringe and gave them an offer to allow them to return to the surface and integrate into his new Society. Inside the Vault there were fierce debates about what to do, but as always, the final decision came down to a several-hour discussion. Long Blackjack battle to decide the fate of the Vault, those who wanted to leave ended up winning and when everyone else reached the surface, the house announced their plans to fill the entire Vault with cement and strip it of all useful technology, fortunately, though A girl named Sarah along with her brother was able to negotiate with House and instead he just filled most of the Vault with cement, leaving the front section intact, after which it was turned into a hotel for a short period to make money. on the Las Vegas Strip, more than anything.

The most interesting part of the history of this vault is found in those early years when, literally, the lives of everyone inside were reduced to nothing more than a coin toss, where social structures and hierarchies were simply random chance. hard work place and genetics. It created a completely different civilian lifestyle, and while it was fun, it probably also doomed the entire population in the long run, as all it took was one unfortunate day to end up with the entire facility filled with cement, like most. of you probably already know. The first season of The Fallout TV show on Amazon was a huge hit with over 65 million viewers in just a couple of weeks.

The Fallout franchise has solidified itself as a juggernaut not just in gaming but across all media, but also part of the reason for the show. The massive success is that it stayed so true to what made the series so great in the first place and a big part of that is the really impressive opening jumps and, in the case of jumps 31-33, the setups and reveals on the show they definitely caught up with Mark. The real purpose of this Trifecta of vaults, all built next to each other, was a huge vault tech secret in Vault 31, in a huge cryogenic PODS chamber, where some of the vault tech employees were housed. most loyal and dedicated of the pre-war era. asleep, all under the watchful eye of one of their own named Bud, who was only kept alive in a robotic brain container as he slowly went



The Vault was built for the sole purpose of allowing members of the Vault tech to survive hundreds of years later to then repopulate the Wasteland and build a new one, it was believed that these members would be perfect candidates for this process because they were very good stewards and As Bud saw it, good management was the key to the future, but to really build that future, Vault technology. Employees at 31 needed a way to create more people and that's where Vaults 32 and 33 come in. breeding groups for those ancient humans and the cryopods resident in these vaults, while not the administration, were specifically chosen for their good genetics to help the technological population of the vault so that everyone When a Vault 31 supervisor was about to die, a new one would be awakened from cryogenic sleep and, through rigged elections, would become the Vault's overseer once again and during this process they would impregnate other Vault inhabitants to keep their lineage alive.

Although near the beginning of the show, we see Moldaver infiltrate Vault 32 and take Lucy's father's supervisor, Hank, and this causes Lucy to venture out of the Vault and in the journey we see her continue in the show, it is here where he found out about it years ago. her mother inside the Vault had actually discovered that there were people outside that she was alive and thriving and that they lied to her. He took Lucy and her little brother to the surface and found in the city of Shady Sands a new stable society that was forming under the NCR o Hank, of the New California Republic, seeking to find his children, headed to Shady Sands , where he was able to get his children back, but after begging his wife to come too, she said she wanted to stay in this new civilization and help rebuild the Earth, but now she sees it.

On his own, Hank realized that the gloomy Sands in NC R were actually competition for the future that the Vault Tech and management teams had envisioned and, if left to their own devices, could even mean that They wouldn't have any power, so Hank did the unthinkable and with hisVault Technician credentials decided to drop a nuclear bomb on Shady Sands and he returned to the Vault below while everything was burning. This sick and twisted man, along with all the vault technicians, were willing to stop at nothing to keep their power safe. Things like nuclear weapons and an entire innocent and now flourishing society in the Wasteland or allowing the residents of Vault 32 to die and be covered up once they found out about the experiments.

The experiment that took place in Vault 34 in Fallout New Vegas wasn't particularly egregious. I just went with the idea, but it led to some catastrophic results because the special secret of this Vault was that it housed a huge Armory filled with firearms and ammunition. The Vault technicians wanted to see what would happen if a large group of Vault inhabitants had access to such dangerous weapons if they were pushed to the limit to do this, a large majority of the Vault was dedicated to recreational facilities like swimming pools and there was almost no left space for housing, so although at first it was not a big problem over time.

As the Vault became more and more crowded, distrust and unrest began to break out. Seeing a potential problem, the Vault supervisor closed access to the Armory behind its terminal, but this did not stop the residents who already had weapons from being a total revolution. where a large majority of the population banded together and made their way out of the Vault, this group later became known as the Boomers and we were even able to find and interact with them in New Vegas, but for the vault residents who were still left inside During this chaos, they used this moment to try to gain control of the Armory while the guards were preoccupied and this only led to more disorder eventually, although tensions began to ease as time went on, but only for a short period. because shortly after these mass events, he proclaimed a new population control measure that angered most of the remaining residents, so a riot once again broke out;

However, this time the riot was mainly centered around the Vault and many people destroyed absolutely every electronic device and area to try to enter the Armory. was sealed during this event, although somehow the Vault door was permanently sealed requiring outside intervention and on top of this, a radiation leak had started due to the damage and was beginning to pump the Vault full of toxic chemicals now with no hope of recovery. Seeing the outside world and the radiation flowing everywhere, the families inside had to watch as the humans transformed into savage Ghouls and began killing everyone in sight, almost ironic for Rev Vault who had one of the highest fire powers in history and shows that sometimes even the knowledge of the power being so close can cause chaos to break loose without the power itself being used much simply because there was an Armory full of weapons in the vault , everyone began to get scared at the possibility of them being used and that caused multiple uprisings because This fear of the human condition and the people swept up in it became more dangerous than anything locked in that Armory, another Fallout vault that, instead If he succumbs to some crazy experiment, perishes due to nothing more than the Human Spirit, he feels like one of the most underrated and important parts of any Vault and Fallout is who is chosen as the Overseer and in the case of Fallout 4's Vault 114 , I think they chose the perfect man for the job, nicknamed Soup Can Harry, this presumably homeless man was given the position of supervisor. to this luxury and upper class vault in Boston after extensive rounds of interviews on multiple candidates for this Vault voltech sought to conduct an experiment in which rich and pampered citizens were stripped of their comforts and lived under the iron rule of a completely dictator. incompetent and well, Harry was as incompetent as they come, he constantly exclaimed that the government used taxes to fund Illuminati Freemason sex parties and even at one point let it slip that he literally eats abrao cleaning products when he said I saw them behind boxes of abrao, No. for consumption don't tell me what to do I will eat what I want a true American hero in my eyes for the residents of the vault however they did not see it that way and complained incessantly about the conditions in which they had to live about this Divine hero who dumpster dives, unfortunately, in 2287 The Vault had been overtaken by skinny mobster Malone and his crew of soup-quit trigger men may abandon their duties, perhaps the best supervisor who ever lived.

Fallout 76's Vault 96 was intended to be in some ways a recreation of Noah's Ark within over 10,000 animals were kept in cryogenic chambers, as only five scientists inside were to slowly release them into the Wasteland over the course of time. the years to repopulate and heal the planet; However, the actual experiment being carried out was a bit more threatening than just that, once the vault door closed and the scientists were trapped inside the Vault Mainframe, they quickly let them know that instead Every week, the scientists had to reach a certain quota of progress, otherwise the Mainframe would attack them and would end their lives immediately, as you can imagine, this created a lot of stress within this dungeon, but luckily, unbeknownst to everyone, the Vault Overseer who they actually hated.

Over the years, he devised a plan for them to escape after creating a virus to upload into the main frame. The robot turned on the Vault inhabitants and the Overseer and killed them all instantly, but it was too late and the main frame was knocked down in this attack, causing the vault door to open and all the cryopods to flee. turned off, suddenly thousands of animals came out of the vault, some of which were subject to intense experimentation and could even be the cause of some of the strange and strange animals we see today, but even more so.

There was a special entity known as specimen x001, which was a top secret animal from Bay 86 that none of the scientists ever saw, but according to research it seems to have abilities to bend time and space around it as to what happened to it. to this strange being and where. We may never know, but it has the potential to unlock some of the most powerful things we've ever seen in the Fallout universe and could play a key role in future quest lines or stories. However, what we do know is that at some point later. In the big Exodus event from Vault 96, an elusive businessman named Edgar Blackburn took over the now empty Vault and used the technology and tools inside to aid him in some research he was doing to help Humanity prosper in Wasteland with the help of a local.

A group of mercenaries called the Hellcat company, people nearby were being kidnapped and taken to this Vault to be tested with gruesome experiments to see how to create even better and more obedient superhuman mutants with FV. Actually, Vault 96 is a really bad place to be. Fallout is no stranger to


human experimentation and crazy narratives, but not many reached the absolutely mind-blowing heights of the story behind Fallout New Vegas' Vault 22, a facility that was originally built under the guise of genetic testing and genetic testing. crops and other forms of plant life. but it turned out to be much more than seen before the Great War initiated Nuclear Armageddon and the subsequent Fallout in the series.

The world of Fallout was actually experiencing a food shortage and famine in addition to growing tensions between the world's largest nations. and battles broke out everywhere, people were fighting to get enough food and because of this, voltech established vault 22 as a main hub stage for ongoing research into advanced fertilization and crop production along with better performing pesticides, so That when the doors closed for the first time in 2077, the scientists assigned to the Vault set to work on their research in the hopes of one day leaving their lives in this cramped Palace behind and presenting their findings on how to prepare better food in a new world, but part of the experiment taking place here involved a lot of donations. from wealthy pre-war clients and mass organizations, one of which was an entomophagy fungus designed for pestol control.

Fungi like this work by taking over a host body, in this case insects, and slowly taking over their mind and body, while producing more spores than through the air. transmission reaches a new host, insects infected with this affliction also die a gruesome death and the way things like this also exist in real life, but still on its own, this was not a problem since the Scientists in Vault 22 were unfortunately dealing with many similar fungi, although in this case the strange organism had actually been sent from the Botanical Garden x22 of Big Mt. a nearby research center highly funded and shrouded in secrecy without the Vault's inhabitants knowing, this fungus could not only infect insects but also humans.

At first it was just bouts of pneumonia and breathing problems, but soon It turned into chills, fever, and a horribly uncontrollable cough. All too soon, although an entire colony of spores began to form on these humans as they fell to the ground dead and millions of small fungi began to fill the Vault, panic ensued as these humans began to transform into what we call spore crawlers. Covered from head to toe in green with strange appendages growing from them, unsure of how to handle the situation, the remaining unaffected residents caused a gas explosion that only angered the monsters further, who began to brutally tearing the survivors limb from limb, screaming in pain, but why?

It seemed like a stroke of luck. 118 Survivor was somehow able to escape the Vault without succumbing to the attack and from there they formed a small tribe that banded together and headed north to Utah, eventually heading to Zion Canyon, here they found a small group of Mexican refugees. who quickly slaughtered their mothers, their children, and anyone in the camp they could get their hands on were decimated, all in an apparent attempt to get more supplies to stay alive; However, this was an especially strange and violent act for the Vault's inhabitants who are generally considered the babies of the Wasteland and a nearby native of Utah, Randall Clark thought the same, so he began spying on them and their new camp, after which he noticed that everyone was coughing incessantly with some strange illness and many were beginning to glow green. but most horrible of all, Randall discovered that inside the camp, the vault, 22 descendants were actually eating the Mexican people alive.

Absolute disgust took over Randall and he went into an all-out war with the intruders, killing as many of them as possible, while the majority managed to flee without further updates being known, without a doubt, it is one of the craziest stories and horrible in the history of Fallout Vault and shows that even facilities created with the best of intentions always turn into something much sicker and twisted and now with many of These spore crawlers in the Wasteland spread their fungi and infect more people and make you wonder how many of the monsters we see in the Wasteland are due to radiation and how many are nothing more than human beings who perform unforgettable monstrosities by creating spore crawlers or devourers.

Like Vault 4, when I think about the worst that could happen in the Vaults and Fallout, it often comes down to not just despicable acts of violence or physical torture, but even more so to mental anguish and what better way to cause something like the experiment that took place in Vault 106 from Fallout 3 inside the Vault a horde of people were contained under the watchful eyes of scientists where after only 10 days inside after the bombs fell on the Great War it was supposed to begin The test Under the parameters, for 30 minutes, a set of highly potent psychoactive drugs would be released into each chamber of the vault, causing mass hysteria and hallucinations, and it worked.

Several of the vault dwellers suddenly became enraged as they saw and heard strange beings around them in an instant, some of them even started biting their own bodies or attacking other innocent people around them, even members of the vault. his family, but the most peculiar of all is the question about what thesePsychoactive drugs and the purpose of their testing. at stake and well, we might get our answer from what they were when we visit the Vault 200 years later in Fallout 3 because inside we find that not only are there multiple corpses in torture scenes, but those psychoactive drugs are still being administered.

Pumped into the Vault, it seems that what was supposed to be just a short test to study the effects of people losing their minds never stopped and, even stranger, as you start to explore the Vault even more, it becomes Obviously the bodies are not there. The only thing down here is that you find some people labeled as survivors who are still alive and in good mental state, including a family trapped in a room fending for their lives, and that makes us start to wonder what exactly is going on here and even the most peculiar is that if you reach the bottom of the Vault, you will find an evil scientist in a lab coat still completely alive, presumably a person who is instrumental in the initial experiment, but remember that this vault is now over 200 years old, so anyone inside would probably be the same age or older and considering they aren't goufi, something really crazy is going on.

One explanation could be that the people inside are Raiders or other explorers like you who came in to take a look and got trapped, but that wouldn't explain how. They have been able to handle the continuous bombardment of this psychoactive drug for so long. After all, the initial experiment of just 30 minutes was supposed to turn most people into brainless monsters, so what if something even longer crazy was happening maybe while these drugs were in use? surely they were supposed to kill most people, they weren't supposed to affect everyone and what if these tests being done here were actually something that made a lot of sense for the technology of the vault and the immortality of their research ?

Maybe psychoactive drugs were designed not to affect a certain part. of the Vault population and instead allowing them to survive forever, that would explain why the scientists at the bottom of the Vault and the helpless family survived for so long without food or supplies and it really makes you wonder how many other Vault experiments we've done. Potential crazy twists like this haven't been seen or heard of because, at the end of the day, whether it's vault technology or the former war government and the Enclave secretly pulling the strings, things like this would make perfect sense for their theorized end goals. to have a complete Monopoly forever over Earth or escape to the Stars after all, what better way to retain control than to live forever and what better way to live forever than to test your serums first on some innocent and unsuspecting inhabitants of Vault, most forms of vault torture in the Fallout series are pretty obvious, meaning they take the form of very obvious things like experimenting with direct violence or commands, but in the case of Vault 19 in Fallout New Vegas things were much more subtle rather than inducing severe paranoia through chemicals. or by violent means.

This experiment to drive the Vault residence crazy was to be done through nothing more than subtle subliminal messages; Constantly, as the residents inside tried to make themselves at home, they would be subjugated to random high-pitched noises, unusual drafts from the vents, or rapid flashes of lights flickering in patterns that looked like some kind of cod and because of all this , many people inside began to go crazy with paranoia blaming others for the malfunction in the vault or claiming that they were being drugged or watched without most of them knowing, although behind it. all the supervisors and scientists were slowly monitoring everything, driving everyone further and further mad;

In fact, when we explore the Vault ourselves, we can even find many patient records from the doctor's office explaining how many residents were beginning to experience full-blown psychosis or extreme Anger attacks, however, most of the knowledge of the Vault stops. there, when hundreds of years later, when the Gunpowder Gangs led by Samuel Cook discovered the Vault and used its facilities, it had already been abandoned with no final end to what was found, some even believe. that the original residents may have escaped at some point and are now wandering the Wasteland paranoid, that everyone wants them to kill anyone they find on the site, in fact, maybe we'll find a good number of Raiders in the game instead of being born in the hard surface.

We were born for even harsher underground experiments like this. We may never know. If you found yourself in Vault 3 in Fallout New Vegas, you would probably have been very relieved at first, as it is one of the few control vaults in the series that simply serves as an underground paradise to live in until it was opened hundreds of years ago. later, after the bombs fell to repopulate the planet; However, as seems to be the case with many things in the Fallout series, not everything went as planned at some point during the Vault residents' stay. Large water leak in one of the internal plumbing systems burst and this began to cause flooding in large portions of the Vault.

Concerned for their safety and with no other options the decision was made to open the vault to seek outside help and this quickly. resulted in the inhabitants of Vault 3 finding locals in the Wasteland and trading with them for parts to repair the broken pipes, unfortunately although some of these people they interacted with were actually part of a ruthless gang of drug-addicted raiders called the demons, of which there were even rumors. In order to eat people alive, the demons managed to trick the Vault's inhabitants into letting them in, after which they mercilessly massacred and killed everyone without any remorse, with some rumors even claiming that they would use the skin of those who killed as masks since then, the demons have managed to retain control of this vital landmark and it has helped them not only obtain more resources, but also serves as a strategic place for them to fight against adversaries in the Wasteland, but most of all, Vault 3 shows that no matter where you are in Fallout, even the happiest and most mundane vaults out there, you're only one small catastrophe away from seeing your entire family being slaughtered and devoured before your eyes, as many of you already know when the bombs fell for the first time during the Great War that sent Earth into an Armageddon and Fallout, those who had signed.

The residents of Vault 12 quickly learned that their fate would be far more dire than anything outside this particular Vault. They were conducting an experiment to see what would happen to exposed humans. to large amounts of radiation and to do this, the doors of the Vault were simply forced to remain open, allowing enormous amounts of radiation to flow into rooms that were equipped with sensory equipment to monitor the inhabitants because the Vault was located below Baker Field in California. Additionally, the citizens of the Vault began running towards the entrance as bombs fell and people sadly died, although for all the people who survived long enough to enter this Vault, the massive amounts of radiation began to take over.

As a result, many families and children began to die as their skin peeled off and many gangs of raiders quickly formed who would kill and steal to survive, most horrific of all, although a large segment of the population began to transform into demons and some residents even decided to do it. Leave because of this and head to the Wasteland to find a better home. The remaining ghouls who stayed founded the Necropolis City, also known as the City of the Dead, which is a ghoul and plague camp mega structure built on the ruins of Bakersfield. All of these demons were led under the banner of Set, a tyrannical monstrosity whose face has become completely unrecognizable due to all the radiation that has been pumped into his soul and this resulted in a city well known and avoided in the Wasteland regardless.

Even imagining the conditions the initial inhabitants of Vault 12 must have been in is completely catastrophic, the screams and agony that must have filled the Vault during its first years are staggering and the pain and suffering these people went through through no fault of their own. . It's very sad to see that at least for a while life would have been somewhat harmonious in Fallout 76's Vault 94. What you see inside was a whole group of non-violent individuals, all hand-picked for their exceptionally pacifist attitudes, mainly due to religious values, even with small spaces. Homeless and without access to weapons to defend itself, this Vault continued for years in relative prosperity with 24-hour sermons and country good vibes, but the Vault-dwellers inside were unaware that the true experiment of this place was only just beginning. about to start. because the Vault 94 experiment was actually to see what would happen if nonviolent pacifists came into contact with the outside world.

Post-Wasteland Happiness or something much worse would ensue, as you've probably guessed, this is Fallout, so it was the ladder after sending some envoys. To spread the news that the Vault's inhabitants wanted to help the Wasteland and join others, allowing them to enter healthy in almost no time, a group of Raiders found out by entering under the pretext of being friendly, once fully integrated, the Raiders began . open fire and massacre all the inhabitants who screamed and ran for their lives asking their God how he could abandon them like this, but God heard their screams and during this attack some of the assailants accidentally activated some technology in the gck room which triggered a chain of events that ignited a nuclear bomb instantly killing everyone and creating what we know of Fallout 76.

It is ironic that one of the most peaceful vaults also housed one of the greatest weapons of mass destruction known to man, everyone has their vices and therefore For many of us, those vices become a life-crippling addiction that's hard to break, but luckily for the residents of Fallout 4's Vault 95, they were given the chance to redeem themselves for their sins, billed as a rehabilitation center. latest generation. Center Vault 95 for the first 5 years after the bombs dropped served as an incredible place not only for people to relax but also for them to slowly overcome withdrawal from some of the strongest chemicals and drugs out there, such as was to be expected, although this paradise did not last forever because, as intended in this Vault experiment, after 5 years of perfect rehabilitation for the majority of the residents, a wrench was thrown into the mix, a technical agent of the vault inside posed the entire time as one of the residents who had secretly hidden a massive mixture of chemicals in his room and now, just a couple of years after the facility's initial start, it was time for him. to wreak havoc, quickly revealing the drug stash to everyone else in the vault, before long, a select handful immediately relapsed and began to huff and inject everything in sight, becoming Madden and drug-induced maniacs. .

For the rest, they locked themselves in his room and covered their ears. As they heard the screams of fights and riots outside, begging the Eles to keep their promises to stay sober and to even more people it quickly became clear that this entire Vault was nothing more than a ruse and they took up arms and began killing. or harm anyone. property of vault technology on display as the fumes of countless chemicals filled the air along with blood and viscera, those hiding in their rooms quickly realized that they had not been offered redemption at all, but rather a ticket. going to hell, just another example of the sad*stic.

Vault technicians would go to great lengths in an effort to investigate and simply have fun praying for other people's greatest weaknesses and their most pressing moments of need. The early days of Vault 11 in Fallout New Vegas would have been some of the best. Spacious rooms, good food, and plenty of friends to rely on, but those precious days would only last a short time because shortly after the start of the vault it became clear which one was going. to really be the experiment for vault technology and it worked. To be one of the most infamous and crazy in history, each year the Overseer received instructions that a person in the vault was to be sacrificed to the vault's internal mainframe, otherwiseOtherwise, the entire vault would fill with gas and everyone would initially die, although the first supervisor went into hiding.

This information comes from participants who signed up to live in the walls of the vault, so when it was finally revealed after the people were sealed after the fall, a riot broke out and it was voted that the first person to die would be the own supervisor and well, this tradition was maintained. and from that point on, each year a new person would be elected as Overseer, after which they served their term for a short time and then had to sacrifice themselves to the Vault Mainframe to appease it and prevent the mass genocide that this cycle carried out. .

This continued for over a decade and slowly over time many so-called voting blocs began to form which put up signs throughout the Vault about who everyone should vote for and banded together as a tribe to ensure that none of the the supervisor obtained. position, the strongest of these blocks known as the Justice Block was led by a man named Roy who had recently had an altercation with another Vault inhabitant named Nathan due to Roy and the power of the Justice Block becoming clear that his hatred towards Nathan would surely result in him becoming the next supervisor and dying quickly afterwards, so his wife Catherine Stone went to Justice BL BL and begged and pleaded with them to let her husband go, after all, he was a good family man and, although horribly, he did not deserve such harsh treatment.

The Justice bloc agreed not to vote for Nathan on the condition that they would all have to constantly have their way with Catherine whenever they wanted, one of the most twisted forms of sexual coercion the series has ever seen. Catherine reluctantly agreed because of how much he loved her. husband and wanted to save him and for days and days Abus used her and took advantage of her until one day Roy and the Justice block started laughing in Catherine's face and after all the torture she had gone through they


to her that she still Despite what she had been through, she was going to vote for Nathan when the next supervisor, Catherine, in a fit of rage and confusion, descended into pure Madness and murdered several members of the Justice bloc on the spot.

This mass murder scared most of the Vault, many of them. who didn't know the true meaning behind it and that's why Catherine was quickly voted as the next supervisor, ironically she saved her husband in the end after all, but now with the power of the supervisor position, Catherine decided to change the rules just a little. Rather than a vote being held to select the next person to sacrifice, it would now be reduced to a random possibility. All the blocks within the Vault immediately panicked and some said that they had to wait until their members got the role again before they could change the rules completely. but before anyone could think more rationally, more riots began to break out and all the blocks began to go into an all out war which resulted in the death of almost everyone inside the Vault until only five people remained.

These five Vault dwellers now witnessed one of the most tragic and horrifying experimental results in Vault history decided that for the first time they would not sacrifice anyone for the next year. Too much death, too much bloodshed, and too much sadness had already occurred within these walls and it was time for it to pass. find the end, but when that fateful day came, they told the Vault's Mainframe computer that they would not choose anyone for this year instead of the Vault killing everyone, the congratulatory music began to play and the Mainframe happily exclaimed that the Vault's inhabitants had finally discovered the true Vault experiment and that by having the human decency to save each other, the experiment would end immediately and they could now live their lives in peace free from entering and leaving inside the vault as Whatever they wanted, suddenly immense guilt and shocked eyes fell on the remaining survivors. when they realized that all these years of torture and sacrifice had been in vain and this emotional trauma led them all to sit in a circle and take their lives one by one, unable to bear the brunt of everything they now knew, in fact, only one.

The survivors did not take their own lives here and when the vault door was opened, they were now the only human being left from this twisted place and now forced to live out the rest of their days in pure agony. It's one of the most twisted Vault stories in the entire Fallout franchise without question and proves that when Humanity has its back to the wall, it can sometimes result in the most horrible things there are: a Vault filled with betrayal and sacrifice both for good and bad reasons and also a strict reminder of how far we will go. going as humans to protect ourselves and those we care about when our lives are at stake tribalism and reluctance to help each other T this place apart when in reality simply working together from the beginning would have resulted in one of the most Vault stories happy of all. time and that makes it even more tragic, apparently every vault in the Fallout Universe has, to some extent, a crazier sad story.

Few are as horrifying as Fallout 3's Vault 92 story, set against the backdrop of the capital Wasteland in Washington DC. The Vault was supposed to be a promised bastion of hope that would preserve musical talent and artistic expression after the Great War, inviting only the best musicians from around the world; However, the actual experiment being carried out was designed to drain every last bit of humanity. Instead, humanity had hope because within the walls of this elusive Vault was a home away from home. Good equipment and cutting-edge technology meant that the residents inside could survive for over 100 years and would spread throughout the Vault. of the most expensive and top-of-the-line musical instruments that the talented musicians would play at their leisure all day long.

It really was for a time one of the most beautiful places in the moor, but behind this beauty lies a dark secret. one that also involved the cascade of invisible sound waves. You see the real experiment behind Vault 92. One that only the Overseer knew about was a new highly classified and experimental invisible weapon known as mwm sece or white noise mental suggestion combat experimentation. This experiment was intended to attempt to induce a form of mental control over subjects by emitting large amounts of barely perceptible white noise sound waves that could literally control how people would think and act at the beginning, in the early periods of the Vault, This weapon was only used in short tests and Exploded, but they proved to be extremely effective, for example making two Vault inhabitants easily fall in love with each other who previously had no feelings for each other.

The true horror of the vault only began after this, although once the White Noise plan was fully implemented inside the vault in every room, every common area, and even the bathrooms, classical music began to play non-stop. , but hidden within the sine waves of these musical functions was a secret White Noise signal that was being pumped into all the brains of the Vault residents non-stop and for a time it seemed that the experiment had been a success, more than a third of the musicians in the vault had entered what seemed like a trans state and had become completely obedient, meaning that the hope of using this technology for complete control of humanity in the future seemed bright. but suddenly, just when things were starting to look promising, they took a turn for the worse, with some of the residents in this trans state beginning to deteriorate rapidly and some quickly tearing the skin off their faces and eyes from their sockets, screaming and growling.

Like wild animals, other succ became maddeningly angry and began attacking other residents, separating their bodies limb from limb while slamming their mutilated bodies against the walls screaming for help and perhaps even more horrifying, others simply fell to the ground and They looked aimlessly. space now trapped in their own minds endlessly in some kind of nightmare locked up with nowhere to hide, it was quite clear that the white noise signal was the cause, but fearing the closure of the entire investigation, the supervisor ordered the security guards remaining that opened. We shot the innocent residents as the minds of everyone inside quickly turned into prisons of pure torture that we couldn't even imagine.

Blood and gore covered the walls of every section of the Vault. Human souls haunted the halls and even within the The rings of this invisible contagion continued and as the final hours reached this possessed place, the foundations began to crack as a massive flood of water entered the Vault sealing off some of the deepest horrors. greats in history. Not only was a secret experiment taking place that the residents had no idea happened, but the Vault itself was built next to a huge underwater reservoir of water that seemed to be there almost on purpose to destroy the experiment forever after. that, without a doubt, one of the most frightening and terrifying situations that has ever occurred has taken place.

Any Vault residence has been installed because, as scary as the outside world can be, especially the world of Fallout, the scariest things are always the ones that come from inside us, inside our minds and the prisons and nightmares within. those that can subjugate us. Even with a little boost from something like white noise, one of the worst parts of any Fallout vault is all the innocent people that are attached to these twisted, sick underground dungeons, and you know what's more innocent than anything else? There are children and that is why the experiment that took place in Fallout 4's Vault 75 may be one of the most disturbing of all time.

Located directly beneath a Boston school, this Shelter attracted unsuspecting families by giving them all subsidized access to the bomb shelter. all falling very close to where their children would be, but at the dawn of the Great War, when all these families headed to the Vault, once inside, the parents were immediately separated from all the children because they were told that they had to submit to orientation, after which they were all put in a room and slaughtered like cattle, now alone and afraid, the scientists collected the children in the vault and locked them in rooms to study them further because in Vault 75 the real The experiment that was being carried out was a study on So-Cal called refinement of human genetics.

For years, scientists brainwashed children about the outside world they called upper earth and how it was a horrible, bad place to live. live, which scared any of the children who tried to escape. and this gave the researchers in the vault enough time to experiment on human embryos and young children trying to make the strongest and most intelligent human beings possible. The most horrible part of all, although it only happened once when each child turned 18 for those who were very smart but not. They were granted strong admission into the investigation team, after which they would torture many other children they called friends for years.

The 18 year olds who were among the strongest immediately on their birthday would be taken away and have their organs harvested for further research and experimentation, and saddest of all, the 18 year olds who showed no genetics or superior abilities were baffled. and stripped of their skin in front of an audience, truly one of Fallout's sickest and most twisted Vatic experiments, not least because of its gruesome nature. of the tests and trials, but also for the people with whom the most innocent beings one could imagine, children, were being made. As for what happened to the Vault later, not much is known, but at some point it was eventually abandoned and overtaken by the Gunners faction in the game, when we find it, some people even believe that the Gunners themselves actually They come from some of these kids that were being experimented on and, you know, as evil as the vault technology already was, obviously a vault like this reminds you that the people in this company, literally, there were no Humanity left some of the designers behind this Vault and the experiment even had their own children at home, knowing full well that other families would suffer while theirs were fine, even in a world full of monsters, Ghouls and massive amounts of radiation, nothing is scarier than that, scarier than human beings and our ability to becomein the most evil things imaginable as human beings.

We constantly crave attention, whether in the fictional worlds of social media or even in real life, most people's true goal is to be admired in the eyes of others, so when they built Vault 77 in Fallout Before the Great War, scientists wanted to test this exact idea. On the day the bombs fell, a broadcast was sent to all the citizens who were going to enter the Vault, but when a lone person got there, a man appeared who he referred to as Puppet Man, so you'll see why else. He later realized that, literally. He was the only person in the vault confused, he looked everywhere shouting for help from other people but there was no response and suddenly he heard the vault door close, he ran towards the entrance but it was too late as he hit the door shouting and pleading to let him out, but as hours turned into days and days turned into weeks, it became clear to the puppet man that this was not going to happen even though there was enough food and water to survive inside, especially for a single man. in which it slowly began to descend. madness constantly crying and screaming for help or where everyone had gone, he paced back and forth constantly drawing walls or singing melodies to himself in made up languages, all to try to maintain his composure in this atrocious experiment, but just about to commit the unthinkable and At the end of his own life, he came across something strange, something that had been lost in one of the corners of the Vault, in front of a huge box of Puppets because he had had no stimuli for so long, now the man quickly gravitated He went to the box and started playing with the puppets to keep himself busy, he put on fake plays, he gave names to all the puppets and created elaborate stories to complete his characters, but then something strange happened and one of the puppets began to respond in amazement, the man got scared and jumped towards Joy, it seemed like he was finally going to have what he needed: most of his friends for days: the man would talk to the puppets using different voices for each one talking to himself with just his hand and even created entire stories and drama between many of the different puppets. in an attempt to maintain the little bit of sanity he still had left, but one day in this twisted fairy tale created in his sick mind, a murder occurred, the puppet king, perhaps one of the most important had perished and everyone in the puppet city rose up. in arms, I'm not sure who to blame, but speaking to a puppet of the boy in the vault, the man was told that he was actually the one who had killed the king, horrified by what he had done and fearing for his life at the hands of these anatomical objects that spoke through himself, the lone Vault inhabitant and his only puppet Vault Boy attempted to escape the Vault with the puppet firmly attached to the man's hand, but when they reached the entrance a discovery was made.

Even worse, the vault door was already open. and not only that it seemed as if it had been open for years, this lonely man driven to madness through isolation and with nothing to do had not even realized that his Freedom had been there all along instead of sinking further. and deeper into madness at the hands of his own mind creating a false reality, however at this point it was too late and the lone inhabitant now emerged from the Vault no longer a man but a monster in the Waste Land. There are stories that the first group of Raiders the man encountered laughed at him.

Astonished by how strange it was, he took it back to his camp to show it to the others, but all we know is that when the Raiders were later found, they and their entire camp had been massacred with blood and human organs scattered around. everywhere and the smiling face of a man. and his demented puppet in his hand miles away walking at the waist and makes you wonder if it was the experiment about protecting this man from all of civilization or protecting all of civilization from this man, something we may never know, you know For a series about nuclear bombs and their devastation, one would assume that radiation is the scariest thing in the wastelands of Fallout and don't get me wrong, it is caused by so many horrible and strange things, but in reality there is another substance that is even more horrible and harmful to the human body and there is no better way to investigate this mysterious contagion than Fallout 3's Vault 87.

The original experiment for this Vault, while still virtually unknown today, doesn't matter much because, and that's because what happened to this Vault is probable. much worse than anything else Vault Tech had planned because before Vault 87 could become fully operational, it was actually taken over by the US government and major biotech companies to conduct research completely hidden from the public under top secret protocols. This Vault was to be the testing grounds for Dr. Wayne Merck and his staff, the main researchers conducting further studies on Feev are the forced evolutionary virus for those of you who don't know that Feev was originally created by the government of the United States in 2073, four years before the bombs were dropped as a countermeasure. some kind of Chinese bioweapons program originally called project panimmunity see the United States were looking for a way to genetically enhance American citizens through injections to make them biologically immune to China's new contagion, however the program turned out to be much more sinister than it was.

After a few years of animal testing, humans were next and one of the facilities where extensive testing was done was Vault 87 in the capital. Inside a vacant lot, several male and female test subjects were kidnapped and tied to chairs with chains in rooms with one-way glass. Outside of these rooms, scientists sat and monitored while slowly injecting each subject with varying amounts of fever and were waiting for the results. For men, their upper body strength began to improve greatly and for both men and women, the toughness of their skin gradually. increased along with the girth, but along with this also came massively elevated levels of anxiety and aggression and suddenly some of the subjects began to form heartbreaking mutations in their body in the form of massive swellings of pus-filled balls and some even became enraged and Trying to escape and kill on the spot because of this, immediately most of the subjects were eliminated without remorse, but over time the remaining test subjects were finally able to rebel even with the extensive security protocols that these subjects had transformed into enormous Huge monstrosities.

Known as Super Mutants, in fact, almost all of the Super Mutants you see in Fallout 3 originate from this Evol because after taking over it, the Super Mutants began kidnapping more people in the Wasteland to bring them back and immerse them in the green substance they called and that transformed. These innocent people became super mutants, and furthermore, the super mutants of Vault 87 were also being experimented on by a specific strain of feev called Eep or the evolutionary experimentation program, which resulted in them being much dumber and more confused than other super mutants. We've seen it in the series on the west coast, even though the people inside this Vault for hundreds of years suffered incredible amounts of pain and torture, literally turning into monsters before their very eyes and losing everything that made them human in first place. having to sit tied to a table while people watched your body decompose and adapt to something you couldn't even imagine and as you slowly lost your mind and understanding of the universe by going to this vault in Fallout 3, it's a long one. reminder of this past and you will find many dead test subjects and blood and gore in various rooms along with countless records about what really happened at this top secret test facility, where some of the most heinous acts imaginable were committed and will truly make you pause. think when you realize our real governments.

In real life I've done similar things like this before and it's crazy to know that such evil things can really happen for most of the Vault Dwellers in Fallout, their lives inside the vaults would have been filled with pain, horror and sadness. , but no matter how bad these Fates would have been. having been subjected to some truly crazy human experimentation and torture, the saving grace of it all would have been that at least at some point it would all end in either your own death or the fall of the entire Vault, the madness at some point would finally end.

Come to one conclusion though, there is a particularly evil Fallout 3 Vault where this would not have been the case and instead you would have been subject to an eternity in Hell Vault 112 because inside the Vault an experiment was being run using something called Tranquility. Lane, a prototype of advanced virtual reality software that was intended to give humanity a home away from home after the bombs fell on the Wasteland, a difficult place to live. When you first enter the Vault, a robotic brain approaches you and tells you to enter a capsule. and when you enter the control room you are met with a massive structure and sleeping pods that if you enter you are transported into the simulation.

The interior is a nice middle-class suburban town where you and all the other Vaulters who have been trapped here for years live. living their lives in pure happiness, it actually seems really nice at first, especially compared to most of the other places you've been in Fallout 3, but this facade quickly falls away when you approach an innocent-looking girl near the playground, the voice of an older German man greets you. and little by little you discover the true meaning behind this experiment. The voice you are hearing is none other than that of Dr. Braa, creator of the Garden of Eden creation kit, and he informs you that he is actually running this experiment over and over again for his own sick pleasure.

He is connected to a nearby capsule outside the main facility and inside the simulation he is killing innocent people over and over again and terrorizing or torturing them in any way he sees fit and this time he wants you to try to kill something because in this simulation , every time the doctor has mercilessly stalked and tortured or eliminated each individual, he starts over and amuses himself with this sick twist endlessly, over and over again, these innocent inhabitants of the Vault are subjected to true horrors and murders, all inside their own heads, but still feeling fear and pain just because their memory is erased and the simulation starts again for years and years for thousands of simulations while this heinous doctor has been killing and torturing these people endlessly and They are not even aware of it.

This means they have to feel the full fear of death for the first time every time, and compared to most other vaults, Vault 112 really is a whole different level of evil. I mean, seriously, imagine being subjected to the worst cruelty imaginable, not just for one life. you've been trapped for infinite lifetimes in a capsule containing your body but your soul and mind caged like an animal and it really makes you wonder what else could be in other vaults or even if some of the journeys we're taking in other games are even real ones in the first place and finally I want to go over what could be the scariest and most gruesome vault in Fallout history and it's not what you expect because Vault 63 in Fallout 76 is anything but flashy. in fact, at the time of writing this it hasn't even been officially released in the game, but it will be here in just a couple of weeks and while after release it surely won't be too scary or gruesome, the reason it's horrible in this moment and reason.

I wanted to put it last on my list because, well, because of the fear of the unknown, after all, isn't that the scariest thing about all these vaults and Fallout, the wild experiments, you have to discover the sad*stic stories you must? reconstruct from terminal logs or environmental narratives and that adrenaline rush you get when entering one of these human dungeons for the first time because it's that very essence that makes Fallout as a series so special in the first place and even more so the Vault is a key part of that because no matter what crazy stories or twists and turns we get from future games and shows, remember that the fear of the unknown of what's out there has always been at the heart of why we love Vaults so much. . and also the real key to what makes them so crazy and scary: simply the idea of ​​knowing that there is still so much undiscovered and that there is so much more to discover, is what makes this series so great, especially when so much of she isprobably extremely atrocious things that we couldn't even imagine and that's why we all love Fallout but as always, thank you all so much for watching videos like this that require an enormous amount of time and effort with over 50 page scripts, tons of research and days. editing so I really appreciate all the love and support and especially for any of you who have joined the membership program or leave your super thank you donations on all the videos, it means a lot that you are enjoying the content so much and I really do.

I appreciate and I'm always focused on making things better and better with each video month by month, so feel free to check out the links in the description too if you're interested in checking me out and following me on X and Instagram. Also if you want to see more of my personal life but as always until next time

Every Fallout Vault Explained - Ranked From Least To Most Insane - YTread (2024)
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Article information

Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 6094

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.