A Scene on the Potomac River
Celebrated Maryland Heights, Harpers Ferry, VA, U.S.A.
Maryland Heights, MD
Scope and Contents
The celebrated Maryland Heights form part of what is known as the Blue River of the Alleghenies. At this point they rise to a height of 1,460 feet. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bridge and Potomac River are in the foreground.
Harpers Ferry, VA
Confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers, Harpers Ferry, WV
Natural Bridge, VA
Natural Bridge, VA
National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Solider's Graves, National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Spring Time, National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Path in National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Monument to the Unknown, National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
The "Thomas Jefferson," First to Run in State of Virginia
1835"Shucking" Oysters, Oyster House, Baltimore, MD
Baptizing in Cedar Creek under the Great Natural Bridge, VA
John Brown's Fort, Harper's Ferry, WV
John Brown's Fort, Harper's Ferry, VA
John Brown's Fort, Harper's Ferry, WV
Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon, VA
Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon, VA
Tomb of Washington, Mt. Vernon, VA
Arlington House, Lee's Old Home, Arlington, VA
Washington's Old Home, Mt. Vernon, VA
Washington's Old Home, Mt. Vernon, VA
Washington's Old Home, Mt. Vernon, VA
Flower Beds and Temple of Fame, Arlington Cemetery, VA
State Dining Room, Washington's Old Home, Mt. Vernon, VA
Temple of Fame, Arlington Cemetery, VA
Looking from the Natural Bridge, VA
U.S. Cruiser Minneapolis, Hampton Roads, VA
U.S. Cruiser Brooklyn, Hampton Roads, VA
Consul General Lee in his Office at Havana, Cuba
The Flying Squadron, Hampton Roads, VA
U.S.S. Brooklyn, Hampton Roads, VA
Promenade, Hotel Chamberlain, Old Point Comfort, VA
Baptizing in Cedar Creek under the Great Natural Bridge
Burial of the Victims of the "Maine" in their Final Resting Place, Arlington Cemetery, VA
December 28, 1899Mammouth stalagmites and stalactites, Luray Caverns, VA
Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States
Wright aeroplane (close view) ready for a flight, Fort Myer, VA
President- Elect Wilson and President Taft coming to the Front of the Inaugural Stand- Inauguration Ceremonies, Washington, D.C.
March 4, 1913Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States
Loading Vessels at the Great R. R. Coal Pier, Norfolk, VA
The Shenandoah, Front Royal, VA
Scope and Contents
The mighty Shenandoah as it rolls past Riverton, one mile North of Randolph-Macon Academy, Front Royal, VA
Reviewing Stand During the Opening Exercises of the Great Jamestown Exposition
President Roosevelt Making the Opening Address at the Jamestown Exposition
April 26, 1907Side-Front View of the Beautiful Auditorium Building, Jamestown Exposition
Military Parade in Front of the Auditorium Building, Jamestown Exposition
April 26, 1907Military Parade Passing the Palace of Liberal Arts, Jamestown Exposition
April 26, 1907Opening Day at the Great Jamestown Exposition
April 26, 1907Opening Day at the Great Jamestown Exposition
April 26, 1907Bird's Eye View of the Vast Lee Parade Ground, Jamestown Exposition
Panorama of the Lee Parade Ground Which Covers 30 Acres, Jamestown Exposition
President Roosevelt on His Arrival at the Exposition Grounds, Accompanied by President Tucker of the Exposition Company and Members of the Presidential Party
April 26, 1907President Roosevelt Seeing the Sights at the Jamestown Exposition, Opening Day
April 26, 1907The "Monitor," of the Famous Merrimac and Monitor Duel, in Hampton Roads- The First Ironclad Warship
Some of the Great War Ships in Hampton Roads for the Jamestown Exposition, Opening Day
April 26, 1907Court House at Norfolk, VA
Scope and Contents
Decorated for Opening of the Great Tercentennial Exposition
Powhatan Oak in the Arts and Crafts Village, Jamestown Exposition
A Remarkable Night Scene Showing the Illuminated Fleet in Hampton Roads, Jamestown Exposition
Our Famous and Fearless President Stating Facts, Opening Day at the Jamestown Exposition
Night View of Auditorium with Its Marvelous Electrical Display, Jamestown Exposition
The Virginia Building, Typical of the Old Virginia Home of the Colonial Days, Jamestown Exposition
Georgia Building a Model of the Roosevelt Home at Rosewell, Georgia, Jamestown Exposition
The Army and Navy Celebrating Georgia Day on Lee Parade Ground, Jamestown Exposition
Looking through a Thicket of Bayonets towards Auditorium Building, American Tars at the Jamestown Exposition
Massachusetts Building, An Exact Reproduction of the Old State House of Boston, Jamestown Exposition
John Smith Trading with the Indian , Smithsonian Exhibit, Jamestown Exposition
John Smith Trading with the Indians , Smithsonian Exhibit, Jamestown Exposition
John Smith Trading with the Indians , Group in the Smithsonian Exhibit, Jamestown Exposition
Indian Buffalo Hunt in the Wild West Show, Jamestown Exposition
Pocahontas Pleading for the Life of John Smith, Jamestown Exposition
Distant View of Auditorium Building, with U.S. "Jackies" in the Foreground, Jamestown Exposition
Scene in the Swiss Alps Village, Jamestown Exposition
The Monument Which Commemorates the Surrender of Cornwallis, Yorktown, VA
Some Operations of the Life-Saving Corps, Jamestown Exposition
"Monticello," Virginia's Historic State Building, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, MO
Beach on Jamestown Island, VA
Scope and Contents
Where the Original Settlers Landed
Old Ambler House Ruin, Jamestown Island, VA
Nelson House, Yorktown, VA, Headquarters of General Cornwallis
Nelson House, Yorktown, VA, Headquarters of General Cornwallis
Nelson House, Yorktown, VA, Headquarters of General Cornwallis
Home of Peyton Randolph, Twice President of the Continental Congress, Williamsburg, VA
Old Debtors' Prison, at Williamsburg, VA
Old Debtors' Prison, at Williamsburg, VA
Interior View of St. John's Church, Richmond, VA
Scope and Contents
Scene of Patrick Henry's Celebrated Speech
Interior View of St. John's Church, Richmond, VA
Scope and Contents
Scene of Patrick Henry's Celebrated Speech
Interior View of St. John's Church, Richmond, VA
Scope and Contents
Scene of Patrick Henry's Celebrated Speech
Interior View of St. John's Church, Richmond, VA
Scope and Contents
Scene of Patrick Henry's Celebrated Speech
Old Slave Market, at Richmond, VA
Casemate Where Jefferson Davis Was Confined After the War, Fortress Monroe, VA
The Battleship Fleet Entering Hampton Roads, VA
Navy League Banquet-Hotel Chamberlain, Old Point Comfort, VA
February 22, 1909Scope and Contents
Give in Honor of the Homecoming of the Fleet
President Woodrow Wilson Reading a Message to Joint Session of House and Senate Congressional Chamber, Washington, D.C.
Cabinet Room, Executive Annex to White House, Washington, D.C.
President Wilson Marching in First Div., Preparedness Parade, Washington D.C.
Scope and Contents
First President in History to Participate in a Public Event on Foot - Preparedness Parade, Washington, D.C.
The President and Mrs. Wilson, Miss Wilson, the King and Queen of Belgium at the University of Louvain
The Queen of Belgium Making Stereo Photo During Pres. Wilson's Visit to Belgium
A Plenary Session of the Peace Conference, in Building of French Foreign Office on the Quai d' Orsay, Paris
Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George Leaving Palace of Versailles After Signing Peace Treaty
Sawing Down a Gum Tree, Dismal Swamp, VA
President Wilson Addressing Congress on Question of International Peace and Immient Danger of War with Germany
A Company of the Reserve Officers- In Training at Fort Meyer, VA
Reserve Officers Recieving Instruction While Resting Between Drill Periods, Fort Meyer, VA
Lieut. LeMaitre of French Aviation Forces in America, Explaining Mechanism of "Nieuport" Airplane, Fortress Monroe, VA
Preparing for the Firing Line - Loading a 3 inch Gun, Coast Artillery
12-Inch Disappearing Coast Defense Gun Elevated for firing, Fortress Monroe, VA
12-Inch Disappearing Coast Defense Gun Elevated for Firing, Fortres Monroe, VA
Gun Crew of Reserve Officers Loading the 12-inch Mortars, Coast Defense Artillery, Fortress Monroe, VA
12-inch Disappearing Coast Defense Gun Elevated for Firing, Fortress Monroe, VA
The Heavy 12-inch Mortars that Protect the Stars and Stripes- Gun Crew Loading, Ready to Fire
Projectile Weighing 1070 Lbs. - Powder 325 Lbs. One Load for the 12-Inch Disappearing Gun, Fortress Monroe, VA
"Making the World Safe for Democracy"- Our Boys Training for the Firing Line
"He Went Not Forth as a Leader of Men, A Place in the Ranks was Enough for Him."
Our Answer to the Kaiser- 3,000 of America's Millions Eager to Fight for Democracy
Hail to the Heroes! Returning Troops on March en Route to Camp After Leaving Transport Agamemnon, Newport News, VA
President Wilson and Brand Whitlock at Nieuport, Belgium
A Mountain of Oyester Shells Used as Bedding for Young Oyesters, Hampton, VA
A Mountain of Oyster Shells Used as "Bedding," for Young Oysters, Hampton, VA
A Mountain of Oyster Shells Used as "Bedding" for Young Oysters, Hampton, VA
Spraying with Arsenate of Lead, Truck Gardens, near Norfolk, VA
Spraying with Arsenate of Lead, Truck Gardens, near Norfolk, VA
Washington's Room, Mt. Vernon, VA
Mt. Vernon, the Home of Washington
Washington's Headquarters at Valley Forge, PA
A Nation's Shrine- Home of Washington, Founder of the Republic, Mount Vernon, VA
Home of Washington, Mt. Vernon, VA
Home of Washington, Mt. Vernon, VA
A Nation's Shrine- Home of Washington, Founder of Republic, Mount Vernon, VA
A Nation's Shrine- Home of Washington, Founder of the Republic, Mount Vernon, VA
The Home of George Washington, Founder of our Republic, Mt. Vernon, VA
U.S. Battleships (Connecticut in Lead), Steaming Out to Sea, Hampton Roads, VA
Mt. Vernon Mansion (East Front), VA
Flower and Flag Covered Casket of Unknown Soldier on Gun Carriage, Arlington National Cemetery
Armistice Day, 1921"Back to Home Land!" Removing the Casket of America's Unknown Solider from the Olympia, Washington, D.C.
Splendid Group, " Indian Buffalo Hunt," in Convention Hall, Jamestown Exposition
On Deck of an Oyester Boat, Chesapeake Bay, MD
General Washington's Room, Mt. Vernon, VA
General Washington's Room, Mt. Vernon, VA
The Spinning Room, Showing Wheel and Loom, Mt. Vernon, VA
James River, Virginia
Old Battlefield, Fredricksburg, VA
Scope and Contents
Piedmont Plateau
Sawing Down a Gum Tree in the Dismal Swamp, VA
Ruins of Old Church, Jamestown, VA
The Wright Airplane in Flight, Fort Meyer, VA
Old Stone Bridge, Battlefield of Bull Run, VA
Old Stone Bridge, Battlefield of Bull Run, VA
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Confederate Capitol, Richmond, VA
Confederate Capitol, Richmond, VA
Main Hall and Stairway, Mount Vernon Mansion, Mount Vernon, VA
Slave Quarters at Mt. Vernon, VA
Slave Quarters at Mt. Vernon, VA
General Robert E. Lee's Old Home, Arlington, VA
Statue of Jefferson Davis, Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA
Statue of Jefferson Davis, Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA
Fortress Monroe, VA
Fortress Monroe, VA
Looking Into Washington's Tomb, Mt. Vernon, VA
General View of Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, VA
General View of Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, VA
Home of Washington, Mount Vernon, VA
Christ Church, where Washington Worshipped, Alexandria, VA
General View of Great Government Coal Piers at Lambert's Point, Norfolk, VA
A Nation's Shrine, Home of Washington Founder of the Republic, Mt. Vernon, VA
A Nation's Shrine, Home of Washington, Founder of the Republic, Mount Vernon, VA
A Nation's Shrine, Home of Washington, Founder of the Republic, Mount Vernon, VA