9 Hole Peg Test - The OT Toolbox (2024)

The 9 hole peg test is a common fine motor test used in occupational therapy assessments to collect a baseline on fine motor skills, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, motor planning, and more. When an occupational therapist uses a nine hole peg test in OT evaluations, several areas of data are collected to support and drive therapy progression. Let’s take a closer look at this fine motor assessment and the skills developed using pegboard activities like the nine hole peg test.

9 Hole Peg Test - The OT Toolbox (1)

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9 Hole Peg Test

Continuing in the series of posts related to grasping, grip strength, and standardized testing measures, the (Amazon referral) 9 Hole Peg Test is another classic test used to measure and track fine motor dexterity. In this post we will review the nine hole peg test, norms, correct testing protocol, and testing options.

The Nine-hole Peg Test typically is used in the adult clinical settings such as outpatient hand therapy, rehabilitation settings, or in assessment of adults with coordination and dexterity needs, typically seen with neurologically impaired or cognitive, sensory, or motor impaired patients.

However, we know that in children, especially in the 5-9 range, much of the day revolves around motor skills, particularly fine motor contributions. We’ve covered in a previous blog post, the vast amount of school and learning tasks that involve fine motor work. Read about fine motor skills needed at school for more information.

  • In this test, participants are asked to place pegs into the holes one at a time, then remove them one at a time, and place them back in the container as fast as they can
  • Participants may only use one hand at a time, but the opposite hand can stabilize the board
  • Alternative testing method: record the number of pegs placed in the peg holes in 30, 50, or 100 seconds. Record the data as number of pegs/second.
  • Another alternate testing method: record the number of peg placed in the peg holes and seconds before the child loses interest. First, record the number of pegs. Second, record the number of pegs placed/second.
  • The timer starts the second the hand touches the first peg, and ends when the last peg is placed into the container.

Versions of 9 hole peg test:

There are different varieties of the 9 hole peg test available for purchase, from a basic board (affiliate link) to the gold standard Jamar 9 Hole Peg Test.

The Jamar test is reported to be worth the hefty price tag because: “The placement of the dish and pegboard allows for an easy, consistent reach, which ensures proper results during the evaluation procedure. Thanks to the design and materials, the kit is also easy to clean and maintain, allowing for quick and easy disinfection to prevent any contamination”.

How to Administer the 9 Hole Peg Test

The nine hole peg test is a convenient testing instrument. It requires the test kit, a pencil and paper, and a stopwatch or other timing device.

  • Set up the pegboard on a flat surface in front of the learner. Add a grip or non-slip surface to insure the board does not move. The peg side of the board is placed toward the dominant hand (when testing the non-dominant side, this will be reversed).
  • Instruct the learner to: “Pick up the pegs one at a time, using your right (or left) hand only and put them into the holes in any order until the holes are all filled. Then remove the pegs one at a time and return them to the container. Stabilize the peg board with your left (or right) hand. This is a practice test. See how fast you can put all the pegs in and take them out again. Are you ready? Go!”
  • After the patient performs the practice trial, instruct the patient: “This will be the actual test. The instructions are the same. Work as quickly as you can. Are you ready? Go!” (Start the stop watch when the patient touches the first peg.) While the patient is performing the test say “Faster” When the patient places the last peg on the board, instruct the patient “Out again…faster.” Stop the stop watch when the last peg hits the container. Place the container on the opposite side of the pegboard and repeat the instructions with the non-dominant hand.
  • Record the number of seconds to place and remove all nine pegs for the dominant and non dominant hand. Testing will include one practice test, one test for dominant hand, and one for the non-dominant hand.
  • Create a tracking form to track scores over time.
  • Cross reference the scores of your learner with standardized norms.

Fine Motor Assessments with the 9 Hole Peg Test

There are several tests that incorporate the 9 hole peg test within their testing protocols:

Skills Assessed with a Nine Hole Peg Test

Once a measurement is assessed, different pegboard type activities can be used to encourage and strengthen dexterity. While these will not be standardized with norms, they can be measured over time for improvement or decline in function.

Skills that the nine hole test analyzes can include:

  • In-hand manipulation
  • Precision
  • Dexterity
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Separation of the sides of the hand
  • Force modulation
  • Cognition

There are endless resources and activities available to address fine motor precision. This article from the OT Toolbox on Fine Motor Precision contains valuable information.

Here is an inclusive post on Fine Motor Skills, also from the writers at the OT Toolbox.

When Use the 9 Hole Peg Test

You might be wondering why do we need to use measurements like the 9 hole peg test?

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective) therapists and practitioners are held to higher and higher standards. There is a certain amount of accountability that is being expected in practice. This is largely due to insurance regulations, however it is good practice to be able to show measurable progress.

By using standardized methods to record and gather data, more accurate measurements can be made to document and demonstrate what is happening in therapy. “They are doing a great job” or “we are making nice progress” was sufficient evidence at one time.

I personally like standardized tests. It keeps me on top of my students, helps me justify what I do, and is less likely to be questioned than a random worksheet or coloring page. With children, it is hard to make sure a test is exactly standardized to precise measurements, however, it is more measurable than “they are doing a great job”.

If you are a new clinician, take time to study and learn various types of assessments. If you are seasoned, brush up on your skills, dust off old assessments, or continue using the gold standard in your practice.

9 Hole Peg Test Norms

A clinician can use results of the 9 hole peg test to assess the skill areas above but a standardized test should be used. Norms can be used to determine needs, strengths, and skills that can be addressed in therapy sessions for functional participation in daily activities.

Norms for the nine hole peg test vary and are separated by age, including different norms for children as opposed to adults. The norms can also be broken down by diagnoses like Parkinson’s Disease or Stroke, as well as healthy individuals.

Use the 9 hole peg test norms to determine if dexterity, coordination, precision, in-hand manipulation, eye-hand coordination are delayed.

9 Hole Peg Test - The OT Toolbox (2)
9 Hole Peg Test - The OT Toolbox (3)

Data differs between the ages of 5 though 10. During these ages, we see a huge amount of fine motor development occurring. We see this progression in ability to form smaller letters with a pencil, complete more intricate craft activities, build with more refined blocks, color with more dexterity, etc.

9 Hole Peg Test - The OT Toolbox (4)

This article breaks down normative data into nice charts that can be used to determine baseline levels and skill development.

This report also breaks down norms for the 9 hole peg test.

Variations exist with differences in dominant hand, non-dominant hand, other needs (called special education students in some reports), diagnoses, age, male/female, and other considerations.

NOTE*The term, “learner” is used throughout this post for readability and inclusion. This information is relevant for students, patients, children and/or adults of all ages and stages or whomever could benefit from these resources. The term “they” is used instead of he/she to be inclusive.

  • References: Mathiowetz V, Weber K, Kashman N, Volland G. Adult Norms for the Nine Hole Peg Test of Finger Dexterity. The Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. 1985;5:24-33

Working on fine motor skills, visual perception, visual motor skills, sensory tolerance, handwriting, or scissor skills? Our Fine Motor Kits cover all of these areas and more.

Check out the seasonal Fine Motor Kits that kids love:

  • Spring Fine Motor Kit
  • Summer Fine Motor Kit (sale price)
  • Fall Fine Motor Kit
  • Winter Fine Motor Kit

Or, grab one of our themed Fine Motor Kits to target skills with fun themes:

  • Frogs Fine Motor Kit
  • Unicorns Fine Motor Kit
  • Vehicles Fine Motor Kit
  • Apple Fine Motor Kit
  • Back to School Kit
  • Sports Fine Motor Kit
  • Outer Space Fine Motor Kit
  • Fairytale Fine Motor Kit
  • Plus more in our shop!

Want access to all of these kits…and more being added each month? Join The OT Toolbox Member’s Club!

9 Hole Peg Test - The OT Toolbox (11)

Victoria Wood, OTR/L is a contributor to The OT Toolbox and has been providing Occupational Therapy treatment in pediatrics for more than 25 years. She has practiced in hospital settings (inpatient, outpatient, NICU, PICU), school systems, and outpatient clinics in several states. She has treated hundreds of children with various sensory processingdysfunction in the areas of behavior, gross/fine motor skills, social skills and self-care. Ms. Wood has also been a featured speaker at seminars, webinars, and school staff development training. She is the author of Seeing your Home and Community with Sensory Eyes.

9 Hole Peg Test - The OT Toolbox (2024)


What is the 9 hole peg test for? ›

The Nine-Hole Peg Test (9HPT) is used to measure finger dexterity in patients with various neurological diagnoses.

What is the 9 hole peg test for Parkinson's disease? ›

Description: Instruct the patient to take the pegs from a container, one by one, and place them into the holes on the board, as quickly as possible, using only the hand being evaluated. Then, instruct the patient to remove the pegs from the holes, one by one, and replace them back into the container.

What is the average score on the 9 hole peg test? ›

(1985) reported that on average, healthy male adults complete the NHPT in 19.0 seconds (SD 3.2) with the right hand, and in 20.6 seconds (SD 3.9) with the left hand. For healthy female adults, the NHPT was completed in 17.9 seconds (SD 2.8) and 19.6 seconds (SD 3.4) with the right and left hand, respectively.

What is the cut off for nine hole peg test? ›

recommended cut-off score for differentiating persons with mild versus marked to severe upper limb dysfunction being 0.27 pegs/s corresponding to 33.3 seconds.

Is the nine hole peg test reliable? ›

The NHPT is characterized by adequate validity (r-score from 0.74-0.75 with the Purdue Pegboard Test) and excellent intra-rater reliability (ICC from 0.92-0.95) in healthy subjects.

What is the finger test for Parkinson's disease? ›

In finger tapping the patient is instructed to tap the index finger on the thumb as fast possible and as big as possible. This means that the patient should try to separate the two fingers as much as possible before tapping them. Make sure to test both the right and the left side.

What is the gold standard for diagnosing Parkinson's disease? ›

Currently, there isn't a specific test to diagnose Parkinson's disease. A diagnosis is made by a doctor trained in nervous system conditions, known as a neurologist. A diagnosis of Parkinson's is based on your medical history, a review of your symptoms, and a neurological and physical exam.

What is the mini best test for Parkinson's disease? ›

This test measures dynamic balance, functional mobility, and gait. It is commonly used in populations who have or have had multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson disease (PD), strokes, spinal cord injury (SCI), or cancer.

What is the best test for Parkinson's disease? ›

Testing for Parkinson's Disease

There is no lab or imaging test that is recommended or definitive for Parkinson's disease. However, in 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved an imaging scan called the DaTscan. This technique allows doctors to see detailed pictures of the brain's dopamine system.

What is a decent score for 9 holes? ›

A standard par for 9 holes is typically 36, with par 3s, 4s, and 5s on the card. A good score for an average golfer might range from 37 to 45, while a more skilled player could be closer to even par or slightly under.

What is the lowest 9-hole score? ›

Low 9-hole Scores

Corey Pavin holds the PGA Tour record for nine holes – a 26 over the front nine in the first round of the 2006 US Bank Championship in Milwaukee. On the front nine of the 2011 Stanley Ladies Golf Tournament on the Japan LPGA Tour, Shinobu Moromizato shot a nine-under par 27.

What are two PEG test results? ›

A two peg test checks whether your dumpy level is capable of showing a true horizontal reading. This is vital to ensure your measurements are accurate and reliable. The two peg test tells you the measurement that your level is out over the distance you test over.

What is the age range for the 9 hole peg test? ›

Abstract. We present the norms for the 9-Hole Peg Test (9HPT) across the age span (3 to 85 yr) and use known groups construct validity methods to assess the performance of the 9HPT in individuals with different memberships. PURPOSE:Manual dexterity is an important aspect of motor function across the age span.

What is the protocol for the 9 hole peg test? ›

The Nine-Hole Peg Test is administered by asking the client to take the pegs from a container, one by one, and place them into holes on the board as quickly as possible. Participants must then remove the pegs from the holes, one by one, and replace them back into the container.

How many trials for the 9 hole peg test? ›

(Feys et al., 2017) It measures the time it takes a person to insert and remove nine pegs from a peg board. The test is performed twice in each hand, and in its standard form the average of all four trials is used to investigate arm function.

What is the 9 hole peg test for multiple sclerosis? ›

In the last few years, the 9-HPT has been one of the most frequently used measures of upper extremity function in MS. The 9-HPT provides a brief, standardized approach to assessment and can be administered by a wide variety of trained examiners.

What is the 9 hole peg test for cerebral palsy? ›

Nine Hole Peg test Nine Hole Peg Test (NHPT) is a standardized assessment method frequently used to measure manual ability in individuals with CP [32] . In the test, the child was instructed to place 9 pegs, into the holes on a platform as quickly as possible with their dominant hand first and then remove them. ...

What is the peg test for leaky gut? ›

The Leaky gut test (aka gut permeability test) is a sensitive test for the diagnosis of tight junction activity and hyper-absorption states across the molecular weight range of absorbable molecules using a testing substrate of PEG 400.

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